Project Description

Teatro Nacional de Bruxelas/ Compagnie Louis Brouillard
Joël Pommerat
Playwright and director: Joël Pommerat
Set and Lightning Designer: Eric Soyer
Assistant Lightning Designer: Gwendal Malard
Costume Designer: Isabelle Deffin
Sound Designer: François Leymarie
Video: Renaud Rubiano
Original Soundtrack: Antonin Leymarie
Cast: Alfredo Cañavate; Noémie Carcaud; Caroline Donnelly; Catherine Mestoussis; Deborah Rouach; Marcella Carrara; Nicolas Nore e Julien Desmet.
Assistant Director: Pierre -Yves Le Borgne
Assistant Director for Tour: Philippe Carbonneaux
General Tour Director: Emmanuel Abate
Light Operator: Guillaume Rizzo
Sound Operator: Antoine Bourgain
Video Operator: Grégoire Chomel
Stage Director: Julien Desmet, Nicolas Nore
Chambermaid: Nathalie Willems
Set Assembly and Costume Making: Ateliers du Théâtre National de Bruxelles
Production: Théâtre National/Bruxelas in co-production with La Monnaie / De Munt In association with the Compagnie Louis Brouillard. Supported by Wallonie-Bruxelles International
Cinderella was published by Éditions Actes Sud- Babel and Actes Sud-Heyoka Jeunesse, illustrated by Roxane Lumeret.
Sandra, Joël Pommerat’s Cinderella, is convinced that her mother’s last words were to ask her to think about her mother every five minutes, or else she would actually die. A clock in motion is the maddening chorus that recalls that oath. The mother’s death, quickly removed from the Brothers Grimm’s story, is the heart of this narrative: a stimulating contemplation of the links between sadness and guilt. Joël Pommerat gives a real sense to the fairy tale, without giving up its enchantment.