Project Description

Josse de Pauw
Script: Josse De Pauw
Soundtrack: Kris Defoort, inspired by Thelonius Monk
With: Josse de Pauw and Kris Defoort (piano), Lander Gyselink (drums), Nicolas Thys (bass)
Pictures: Bache and Benoît Van Innis
Production: LOD muziektheater
Coproduction: Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
An Old Monk is about the body and the mind, and the impossibility of both being in harmony. Maybe just for a brief dance: 1. A man does a little dance. His body is pressed against a dream body. 2. A man does not dance anymore or very rarely. Failed attempts to become a monk. The great longing for silence and solitude. 3. And then, out of nowhere, the fantasy of a little dance comes to him. He is curious if there is still pleasure in life. The old monk does a little dance. Then another. And another.