The theater critique can maximize the encounter between the viewer and the creative work: clues, keys, holes, connections. Therefore, MITsp offers a number of activities that seek to improve the perception of the audience, through a critical and provocative perspective.

Curators: Fernando Mencarelli e Silvia Fernandes
Organization, research and texts: Luciana Romagnolli

Crossing Dialogues
Shortly after each show’s first performance, artists and thinkers from different fields of knowledge present their reviews. The idea is to allow perspectives to go beyond borders and expand possible interpretations of the works, thus renewing the critique activity itself.


Arthur Nestrovski
Opus No 7, of Dmitry Krymov

Bernardo Carvalho and Arkadi Zaides
Achive, of Arkadi Zaides

Eder Santos
Woyzeck, of Andriy Zholdak

Francisco Foot Hardman
Killing Time, of Jorge Hugo Marín
Dying of Love, of Jorge Hugo Marín

Ismail Xavier
What If They Went To Moscow? (E se Elas Fossem para Moscou?), of Christiane Jatahy

José Miguel Wisnik
Song From Far Away, of Ivo van Hove

Luiz Camillo Osorio
Stifters Dinge, of Heiner Goebbels

Maria Rita Kehl
Miss Julie, of Katie Mitchell and Leo Warner

Norval Baitello Júnior
The Seagull, of Yuri Butusov

Raquel Rolnik
Julia, of Christiane Jatahy

Renato Mezan
The Macaluso Sisters, of Emma Dante

Mediators: Valmir Santos and Beth Néspoli

Trajectories in Perspective

Researchers of Brazilian Universities introduce us to the creative trajectories of the MITsp invited guest artists, exploring ways to interpret the shows presented at the Festival.


Bya Braga
(Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG)
Dmitry Krymov

Christine Greiner
(Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC-SP)
Arkadi Zaides

Cláudio Cajaiba
(Federal University of Bahia – UFBA)
Andriy Zholdak

Flora Süssekind
(Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro – Unirio)
Heiner Goebbels

Maria Beatriz Medeiros
(Federal University of Brasília – UnB)
Katie Mitchell

Maria Helena Werneck
(Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro – Unirio)
Yuri Butusov

Maria Lucia Pupo
(University of São Paulo – USP)
Emma Dante

Silvana Garcia
(Drama School – EAD – USP)
Christiane Jatahy

Walter Lima Torres Neto
(Federal University of Paraná – UFPR)
Jorge Hugo Marín

International Guest Researcher: Josette Féral
(Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle – Paris 3)
Ivo van Hove

Essays Space
Researchers are invited to write about the Festival’s guest artists, their raw materials and creative processes. Their texts are compiled in the MITsp book-program.

Ongoing Thought

The Festival guest artists are invited to talk about their creative process, exposing the internal textures and structures of their artwork.

Arkadi Zaides
(Arkadi Zaides)

Andriy Zholdak
(Svoboda Zholdak Theater)

Christiane Jatahy
(Cia. Vértice)
What If They Went To Moscow? (E se Elas Fossem para Moscou?)

Dmitry Krymov
(Dmitry Krymov Lab and the Moscow Theater of Dramatic Arts)
Opus No 7

Heiner Goebbels
(Theatre Vidy-Lausanne)
Interviewed by Luiz Felipe Reis
Stifters Dinge

Ivo van Hove
(Toneelgroep Amsterdam)
Song From Far Away

Jorge Hugo Marín
(Fundación La Maldita Vanidad Teatro)
Killing Time and Dying of Love

Yuri Butusov
(Satiricon Theater – A. Raykin)
The Seagull

Artistic team and cast of Compagnia Sud Costa Occidentale
The Macaluso Sisters

Cast of Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz
Miss Julie

Practice of Reviewing

The Documenta Cena – Review Platform, composed by the blog Satisfeita, Yolanda?, the websites Horizonte da Cena and Teatrojornal, and the electronic journal Questão de Crítica; plus the invited critics Beth Néspoli, Daniel Schenker, Michel Fernandes, Ruy Filho and Welington Andrade, will write daily reviews on the shows for electronic and printed press.

Performative Critique

Writing a review in front of the public? The challenge proposed here is to open the process of critical thinking. The Antro Positivo magazine makes room for a rather unusual dialogical writing. In real time for ten uninterrupted hours, in front of the public and with guest participation, a review on the show Song From Far Away (co-production of MITsp and Toneelgroup Amsterdam) will be written. The public may watch, read, suggest, participate and interfere in this search for another possibility of doing critique. Conception: Antro Positivo

Reviewers: Ruy Filho and Ana Carolina Marinho.
March 13th, Friday, from 8h to 18h.
Location: Itaú Cultural

Esthetic-Political Thinking

Four discussion tables will be organized with the following themes:

Conflict Zones I: Ukraine – Russia
: Eduardo Jorge, Fabiano Mielniczuk and Vitorio Sorotiuk
MediatorMaria Fernanda Vomero
March 10th, at 10h
Location: Sesc Consolação

Conflict Zones II: Palestine-Israel
: Arlene Clemesha and Sílvio Tendler
Mediator: Maria Fernanda Vomero
March 14th, at 11h
Location: Sesc Consolação

Injunction Zones: Theater – Cinema
Daniel SchenkerRicardo Fabbrini and Tata Amaral.
Mediators: Luciana Eastwood Romagnolli
March 13, at 10h
Location: Sesc Consolação

Intersection Zones: matrices of the current scene
: Josette Féral, José Antonio Sánchez, Kil Abreu and Luiz Fernando Ramos
Mediator: Fernando Mencarelli
March 15th, at 11h
Location: Itaú Cultural


Life without theater or theater without life: Lecture-Performance by Andriy Zholdak
What are the roots of theater? How to turn a robot-actor into a human-actor? Why is the urge of Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to give it to humans, so lacking in contemporary theater? Are the actors mortal or immortal? Has the theater still any importance? The Ukrainian director Andriy Zholdak will talk about these and other questions.
March 10th, at 23h
(Duration: 90 minutes)
Location: Sesc Consolação – Espaço Beta.

Playwright in Heavy Shades

In a open interview format, the British award-winning playwright Simon Stephens talks to the public about features and directions of contemporary dramaturgy and about his own artistic production, which includes works such as Pornography (2007), Punk Rock (2009) and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (2012) – the latter has already been staged in Brazil, directed by Moacyr Góes. The interviewer is the Brazilian (also awarded) director and playwright Leonardo Moreira, Cia. Hiatus.
March 6th, from 10h to 12h
Location: Research Center of Sesc São Paulo – Sala Delta.

The Russian Contemporary Scene

A prominent Russian artist (Krymov), one of the main critics and curators of Moscow and two Russian theater scholars draw a picture and contemplate on the course and the trends of the Russian theater scene. With Dmitry Krymov, Roman Dolzhansky and Elena Vássina. Mediator: Arlete Cavaliere.
March 12th, at 10h
Location: Sesc Consolação – Sala Ômegs.