Check out the programmers accompanying MITbr – Plataforma Brasil 2025.

Adriana Almeida Pees
Theater FreiburgAdriana Almeida Pees has been the artistic director and curator of the dance department at Theater Freiburg since the 2017/2018 season and has been working professionally in the dance sector for more than 30 years. She holds a doctorate and a Post doctoral degree at the UNICAMP.
Theater Freiburg
The Theater Freiburg is the oldest and largest theater in the city of Freiburg im Breisgau. It is located on the edge of Freiburg’s old town on the corner of Bertoldstraße and Platz der Alten Synagoge. The building combines four venues under one roof: the Großes Haus, the Kleines Haus, the Kammerbühne and the Werkraum. The Winterer foyer also hosts author readings such as the Litera-Tour, topical lecture evenings such as the Schule träumen series, and chamber concerts. The theater has been run as an independent enterprise since September 2005.

Andre Fischer
Festival Mix Brasil de Cultura da DiversidadeAndre Fischer is the creator and director of the MixBrasil Festival of Diversity Culture. He is also the communications director of São Paulo’s LGBT+ Pride Parade, a curator of LGBT+ themed audiovisual and theatre projects, a consultant in DEI, Inclusive Communication and Transmedia Curation, and a PhD and Master’s student in Image and Sound at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar).
Festival Mix Brasil de Cultura da Diversidade
The Mix Brasil Festival of Diversity Culture is an LGBT+ cultural event held every November, focusing on works related to sexuality and gender identity in various forms of artistic expression. The festival occupies prestigious cultural venues in São Paulo and makes the most of the city’s diversity. A national and international reference, it was born in 1993 and today is the largest LGBT+ cultural event in Latin America. Since its first edition, it has brought the world to the forefront of artistic representations, promoting social inclusion and opening up space for the expression of different lifestyles, raising awareness of LGBT+ issues. Between films, performing arts, literature, transmedia expressions, workshops, musical shows and parties, it brings together thousands of people around a culture of understanding and respect, whether in physical spaces or on digital platforms.

Anna Mülter
Festival TheaterformenAnna Mülter is the artistic director of the international performing arts Festival Theaterformen in Hannover and Braunschweig since 2021. From 2014 till 2020 she worked on the regular dance program and the thematical festivals at Sophiensæle Berlin and directed the annual festival Tanztage Berlin.
Festival Theaterformen
Festival Theaterformen is one of the biggest international performing arts festivals in Germany and has presented a variety of contemporary theatre productions in Braunschweig and Hannover since 1990: everything from huge spectacles to intimate one-on-one encounters, documentary theatre and site-specific performances. Over the years the festival has contin-ually reinvented, reoriented and repositioned itself, and one of their goals is to give space to perspectives that are rarely visible and audible in the local context and that question exist-ing power structures.

Anne Goalard
Young Performing Arts Lovers (YPAL)Anne Goalard is an international artistic advisor for several european theatres: the Comédie de Reims (FARAWAY festival), the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre and the National Theatre of Catalonia in Barcelona. She runs Ypal, a platform for artistic and European projects.
Young Performing Arts Lovers (YPAL)
Young Performing Arts Lovers (YPAL) is a platform for the development of European artistic and cultural projects focused on innovative practices. Its activities are deployed at the crossroads of creative monitoring, artist support and the development of experiments on the sharing of culture with as many people as possible. It is directed by Anne Goalard.

Arnaud Meunier
MC2Arnaud Meunier is a theater director who became the Artistic director of the MC2 Grenoble in 2021.
MC2 is the biggest french public artistic institution outside Paris. It has a large main theater, an auditorium, a modular space, a “small” thaeter and 3 rehearsal’s spaces. It’s a pluridisciplinary venue which is programming and producing artists from all over the world. A special connection with latin america is part of its new artistic project.

Augusto Paim
Goethe-Institut Porto AlegreAugusto Paim is cultural programme assistant at the Goethe-Institut Porto Alegre.
Goethe-Institut Porto Alegre
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany, which is active all over the world. It promotes knowledge of the German language abroad and stimulates cultural co-operation on an international level, providing a comprehensive view of Germany through information about the country’s political, social and cultural life.

Benoît Bradel
Passages TransfestivalBenoît Bradel is an artist and international curator with a strong taste for transcultural and transdisciplinary. Since 2019, he’s working for Passages Transfestival as general and artistic director. It’s latest production as a director, La 7e vie, de Patti Smith, has been on tour since 2017.
Passages Transfestival
Passages Transfestival has a naturally transdisciplinary artistic project, with innovative and multifaceted creation at the forefront. With each edition, the festival directs its project towards an identified and striking geopolitical zone, be it transcontinental or trans-European. Passages Transfestival, in continuity with its origins, aims to be a space for transmission, with support for projects in production and in residence and part of an international and hexagonal network of support and cooperation that rethinks its economic and social practices to be part of a process that benefits everyone.

Carlos Magno Rodrigues
Sesc CearáCarlos Magno Rodrigues is an actor, producer and curator. He is studying for a master’s degree in Performing Arts at the Célia Helena/Itaú Cultural School, has a degree in Theatre (IFCE) and a post-graduate degree in Art Education (Uniasselvi). He has performed in shows and festivals such as Palco Giratório, Mostra Sesc Cariri and São João de Maracanaú.
Sesc Ceará
The regional Sesc Ceará has a systematic programme of shows and exhibitions, such as the Mostra Sesc Cariri and the Festival Nordestino de Teatro de Guaramiranga. It also organises other one-off curated events in the field of performing arts in the state.

Cecília Kuska
Festival Proximamente - Teatro KVS. ProximamenteCecilia Kuska is a dynamic cultural worker (creative producer, curator, and artist manager) specializing in interdisciplinary collaboration and fostering cultural diversity across continents. With roots in South America and a current base in Europe.
Festival Proximamente – Teatro KVS. Proximamente
Festival Proximamente – Teatro KVS. Proximamente was born in 2019 as the result of a gathering between different institutions from Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile and Belgium, working together as a cooperative. The partner countries collaborate as a shared curatorial voice to submit proposals, selecting what they considered important to highlight about the artistic work in the Latin American region today. From 2021, the programme started incorporating some of the narratives of the Latinx diaspora in Europe. From 2022 onwards, the platform is welcoming new partners and countries to be part of the platform.

Chiara Organtini
Lavanderia a VaporeChiara Organtini is a curator passionate about interdisciplinary art and public space, Since 2022 she is the director of the Lavanderia a Vapore in Collegno (TO), European House of Dance and Residency Center of the Piedmont Region managed by the Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo.
Lavanderia a Vapore
Lavanderia a Vapore is a residency and research centre born from the regeneration of a 1870’s laundry of the former royal asylum Regio Manicomio, which was converted in 2008 in a dedicated dance house. The Lavanderia a Vapore project – launched in 2015 – is the result of an innovative model of systemic networking, goal-sharing and governance between different local entities promoting and programming dance, resulting in the creation of a RTO (Raggruppamento Temporaneo di Organismi / Temporary Association of Bodies) with different partners. Lavanderia a Vapore focuses on a diversified season exploring different languages and attitudes of the dance world. It hosts a permanent and integrated programme offering great diversity in creative production. The programme is developed in agreement and synergy with project partners whose goal is to attract international artists and provide opportunities and support for local talents.

Claudio Fuentes São Francisco
Santiago OffClaudio Fuentes San Francisco has a degree in Acting from the Faculty of Communications at the Universidad del Desarrollo and a Masters in Arts with a major in Theatre Direction from the Universidad de Chile. He is currently artistic director of the international festival Santiago Off.
Santiago Off
Cultural foundation that designs, manages and implements artistic projects and social, cultural and educational programmes. Two relevant needs converge in its mission: the link between art and citizenship and the strengthening of the professional sector of the performing arts. The Foundation’s mission is to democratise access to culture and artistic development in the country. It aims to bring art and its manifestations closer to the citizens and, at the same time, to manage new means, platforms and opportunities for training, visibility, validation, circulation and promotion for national creators and creations.

Corinna Humuza
International Summer FestivalCorinna Humuza worked as a reseacher on black geographies and intersectionality at Hamburg University, and as assistant to the artistic director at Kampnagel. Since 2021 she is curator of International Summer Festival. In 2023 she was a visiting professor at the Dresden University of Fine Arts.
International Summer Festival
International Summer Festival is Kampnagels most prestigious event and takes place for three weeks each August at Kampnagel and selected places in the city of Hamburg. The festival presents theatre, dance, visual arts, performance, music and theory from all over the world and focuses on the entanglement of pop culture and avantgarde and the interdisciplinary expansion of genre boundaries. Invited artists stand out due to their interest and engagement in the present and radical aesthetic approaches. Each year the festival invites or produces about 50 different works that attract up to 50.000 visitors from Hamburg and abroad.

Cristina Planas Leitão
Performing Arts Curator, Consultant, and Choreographer. From April 2025, she will take over as director of Materiais Diversos and its festival in Portugal.
Cristina Planas is a Performing Arts Curator, Consultant, Dramaturg, and Choreographer. In 2025, she co-founded SUPERNOVÆ alongside Natalia Álvarez Simó (ES) – a platform dedicated to artistic consultancy and curatorship. Since 2024, she has been part of the curatorial group contributing to the new Something Great Arts Centre (DE). Between 2018 and 2024, Cristina left a transformative legacy as the Artistic Director of Teatro Municipal do Porto, DDD – Festival Dias da Dança, and CAMPUS Paulo Cunha e Silva. Her integrated curatorial practice focuses on developing sustainable creative formats and new narratives in the performing arts, with a growing interest in experimental practices and hybrid formats that resonate politically and socially.

Cynthia Margareth
Aflorar CulturaCynthia Margareth is a cultural manager, actress and founder of Aflorar Cultura. She is an associate producer with the Peruvian cultural group Yuyachkani and a collaborator with LUME Theatre. For 13 years, she has offered training in cultural production through lectures, courses, residencies and seminars.
Aflorar Cultura
Aflorar Cultura is a cultural production company based in São Paulo, dedicated to pushing boundaries and creating connections that strengthen artistic dialogue between different regions and cultures. With a solid track record in organising festivals, exhibitions and artistic representations, both in Brazil and internationally, our focus is on promoting the visibility and exchange of artists from different parts of the world.

Denise Pedron
Festival de Teatro Negro UFMGDenise Pedron is an artist-researcher and professor at the UFMG University Theatre. She is one of the creators and coordinators of the UFMG Black Theatre Festival. She is currently researching Creative Processes and Traumatic Experiences. She is training in psychoanalysis at the Psychoanalytical Circle of Minas Gerais (CPMG).
Festival de Teatro Negro UFMG
The Teatro Universitário is a training school for actors at a technical level that houses extension programmes and projects. The Festival de Teatro Negro UFMG is an event of the University Theatre Programme: for an anti-racist school and takes place every two years. The programme of the UFMG Black Theatre Festival includes the screening of scenes and shows by students selected through a public call, as well as performance pieces by guest artists. As well as holding debates with black researchers and artists, it also organises training workshops.

Eliane da Rocha
SESI-SPEliane da Rocha has a master’s degree in Cultural Performances from the Federal University of Goiás and a degree in Performing Arts, with a major in Theatre Directing, from the Federal University of Ouro Preto. She is a Cultural Activities Analyst at SESI-SP, where she manages and curates theatre projects and cultural spaces.
SESI-SP carries out cultural management and production, in the languages of theatre, music, visual arts and literature, based on three axes: dissemination of cultural projects, stimulation and democratisation of access to cultural production and training in the arts, promoting the social, human and individual development of the public in the state of São Paulo.

Fábio Pascoal
Festival de Teatro do AgresteFestival de Teatro do Agreste
Fábio Pascoal is the creator and General Director of the Festival de Teatro do Agreste (FETEAG), playing a key role in promoting the performing arts in the region.
Festival de Teatro do Agreste
The Festival de Teatro do Agreste (FETEAG), which has been running since 1981, is a cultural initiative that has established itself as a significant milestone in the decentralisation and democratisation of access to the theatre scene in Caruaru, Pernambuco. Created to celebrate and promote the performing arts, FETEAG is much more than an annual event; it is a convergence point for local and international artists, providing a unique platform for creative expression and the dissemination of contemporary artistic diversity.

Giovana Soar
Festival de Teatro de CuritibaGiovana Soar is an actress, director, producer and curator. With a degree in Performing Arts from PUC/PR and a degree in Theatre from the Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III, she is currently a member of the Curatorial team at the Festival de Teatro de Curitiba and is a judge for the Shell Theatre Award in the National Outstanding category.
Festival de Teatro de Curitiba
The Festival de Teatro de Curitiba celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2022 and will hold its 33rd edition in 2025. From its inception to the present day, the main reason for the Festival’s creation was to bring to Curitiba shows that are references in Brazil and that until before its creation were not performed in the city due to the lack of a theatre circuit; over the years the project has expanded and increasingly become a reference in festival circuits and today it is seen as one of the most important cultural events in Latin America.

Giulia Messia
lagosta neonGiulia Messia is a producer and curator in the field of performing arts. In 2023, she founded neon lobster, together with cultural manager Katharina Wallisch. Since 2013, she has been a core team member of the Italian performing arts festival Short Theatre.
lagosta neon
neon lobster is an arts organisation based in Berlin, dedicated to the production and international distribution of performing artists. Since early 2023, it has fully represented and managed artist Florentina Holzinger. It currently also represent the Canadian artist Dana Michel and supports the development of the emerging artist Marga Alfeirão. The organisation is led by managers and creative producers Katharina Wallisch and Giulia Messia.

Grzegorz Reske
SPRING Performing Arts FestivalGrzegorz Reske is artistic director of SPRING Performing Arts Festival in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Before moving to Utrecht, he had been involved in different international performing arts project in Poland, including Konfrontacje Festival in Lublin and East European Performing Arts Platform
SPRING Performing Arts Festival
SPRING Performing Arts Festival is a ten-day international festival with innovative dance, theatre, performance and more in the city of Utrecht. It takes place in theatres, special venues and public spaces. The festival brings together adventurous and urgent performances that dare to ask questions about the state of the world. During SPRING, makers and a curious audience meet for exchange, discussion, inspiration and fun.

Isabel Hölzl
Goethe-Institut Rio de JaneiroIsabel Hölzl is a dancer and cultural manager. She has worked at the Goethe-Institut since 2011, in São Paulo, Helsinki, Rio de Janeiro and Munich. She has developed programmes on diversity in literature, the Global South, the INSPIRATOR cultural production guide and residencies in the Arctic, indigenous and traditional territories.
Goethe-Institut Rio de Janeiro
The Goethe-Institut has been in Rio de Janeiro since 1957, promoting international cultural exchange, access to the German language and the free development of culture and science. Located in the city centre, the institute is open to the public and offers a library that can be used free of charge by anyone, both in person and online. The Goethe-Institut promotes German language learning through courses, projects in partnership with public and public schools and training for German teachers.

Jan Linders
Humboldt Forum Berlin e Transkontinentale FestivalJan Linders is a dramaturg for german and international coproductions and programmer.
Humboldt Forum Berlin e Transkontinentale Festival
Humboldt Forum Berlin, an ethnological museum and cultural centre in a reconstructed castle in Berlin Mitte, has a varied programme of exhibitions and artistic events. The Transkontinentale Festival, which focuses on the live arts, takes place every year in November.

Jessie Mill
Festival TransAmériquesJessie Mill has been co-artistic director of the Festival TransAmériques (FTA) in Montréal/Tio’tia:ke with Martine Dennewald since June 2021. She is also a dramaturge and editor and occasionally teaches and writes about performance and practice.
Festival TransAmériques
Festival TransAmériques (FTA) is an international performing arts festival dedicated to the most contemporary expressions of dance and theatre. Since its first edition in 1985, it has sought out bold, distinctive artistic work and fresh perspectives. Located in Montreal/Tio’tia:ke/Mooniyang, FTA pursues an ongoing dialogue with the city and its history, theatres, and neighbourhoods.

Jimena Garcia Blaya
La InfinitaJimena Garcia Blaya is an artist, curator and cultural manager specialising in dance. She is the founder of La Infinita, an agency dedicated to the curation and circulation of dance and the living arts in Latin America. Co-director of the Encuentro de Gestorxs Artistas – EGA and the RADAR Platform.
La Infinita
La Infinita is a content agency dedicated to the dance and live arts sector. Based in Argentina and with strategic links in Latin America and beyond, it works on the creation of curatorial frameworks, management projects and cultural mediation that boost artistic development and the visibility of performing artists. The agency specialises in internationalisation and circulation, designing and producing projects adapted to the needs of each context and objective. It manages and distributes a catalogue of Latin American artists, promoting their connection with cultural agents, festivals, cycles and residencies, fostering a collaborative and networked approach.

Juarez Moniz
SESI-SPJuarez Moniz holds a master’s degree in Performing Arts from the Graduate Program in Performing Arts (UFRN-2016) and a bachelor’s degree in Dance (UFRN-2013). As a dance artist and researcher, he works as a Cultural Activities Analyst – Dance, in the Executive Cultural Management of SESI São Paulo – SP.
The Social Service of Industry – Regional Department of São Paulo – SESI-SP, through its Executive Cultural Management, organizes, promotes, and produces an extensive program in Theater, Dance, Music, Visual Arts, and Audiovisual Arts. It aims at dissemination, programming, and education through its programs and the Continuous Training Centers in Dance, Theater, Music, and Singing.

Márcia Dias
Buenos DiasMárcia Dias is the creator, general director, and curator of riocenacontemporanea, the Rio International Theater Showcase, RIOFESTIV.AL, and TEMPO_FESTIVAL. She was part of the curatorial committee for FRINJE and is the founder, director, and curator of the Dramaturgy Internationalization project.
Buenos Dias
For over 30 years, Buenos Dias has been developing artistic, cultural, and sports projects both nationally and internationally. The production company has received multiple awards for Best Production, including APCA, APTR, Mambembe, Molière, Sharp, and Shell. As a specialist in incentive laws, it conducts studies and assessments to improve legislation, making significant contributions to the cultural and sports sectors. Among its major achievements are Pérola by Mauro Rasi, TEMPO_FESTIVAL – International Performing Arts Festival, the co-production of Elis, the Musical with Aventura and MRG (including its 10th-anniversary edition in 2023), and the co-production of Clube da Esquina – Os Sonhos Não Envelhecem with MRG.

Matthias Pees
Berliner FestspieleMatthias Pees é diretor do Berliner Festspiele.
Berliner Festspiele
The Berliner Festspiele organise a range of festivals and art exhibitions, concerts, dance and theatre performances, readings, lectures, debates and much more throughout the year. These events are presented at a range of locations across Berlin but are concentrated primarily at their own two venues: the Gropius Bau and the Haus der Berliner Festspiele. With their diverse range of provision in each artistic discipline, the Berliner Festspiele aim to be a major platform: For artists, their unique works and most varied approaches and working methods. For visitors, audiences and spectators from every single part of the city and the state, with their often deeply contrasting inclinations and expectations. And for the shared exploration of issues both timeless and timely that concern us all one way or another – and which represent greater challenges than ever for us as individuals and as a society, both here and all over the world.

Matthieu Banvillet
MC2Matthieu Banvillet is a ex director of national Theater in France (Brest) and curator of dance festival (Dansfabrik), now living in Perú and working with MC2 Grenoble for artístic programmation
MC2 is the National Theatre of Grenoble (France). It has four theatres, 80 shows a year, its own productions and around ten associated artists. Its programme includes theatre, dance, music and circus, with a strong international programme, especially with South America. It also develops cultural and social actions in the region and leads an innovative digital programme.

Meiyin Wang
PAC NYCMeiyin Wang is the Director of Producing and Programming of the Perelman Performing Arts Center, located on the World Trade Center campus in New York. Previously she was the Co-Director of Under the Radar Festival at The Public Theater, and the Director of La Jolla Playhouse’s Without Walls Festival.
Based on the campus of World Trade Center in New York PAC NYC is a new home for emergent and established artists in theater, dance, music, opera, film, and media from New York City and around the world. Flexible in design, the center is fully responsive to artists’ creative visions. Intimate in scale, PAC NYC fosters an immediate connection between artists and audience members.

Monique Cardoso
Festival das Artes Cênicas – Cena CearáMonique Cardoso is a theatre artist, researcher, producer and cultural manager. She is a member of the Ceará collectives Grupo Ninho, MANADA Teatro and the management nucleus of Ponto de Cultura Casa Ninho and Escola Carpintaria da Cena. She is the director of ATO Marketing Cultural and FAC – Festival das Artes Cênicas – Cena Ceará.
Festival das Artes Cênicas – Cena Ceará
The Festival das Artes Cênicas – Cena Ceará is a project based on three pillars: continuing education, business roundtables and showcases, with a focus on the sustainability of Ceará’s theatre, circus, dance and performance artists and collectives. Ongoing throughout the year, FAC – Cena Ceará carries out actions in the field of production and management, remotely, as a way of guaranteeing the participation of artists, producers and managers from all over Brazil. In its showcase of performances, it presents the public and the various managers and programme-makers invited from all regions of the country with a mosaic of the stage arts production developed in Ceará.

Pedro de Freitas
PériploPedro de Freitas is a theatre producer. He is dedicated to international projects and co-operation in the performing arts. He is the director of Périplo, a cultural company that has developed various projects with artists from more than 20 countries since 2009. He works as an artistic consultant for festivals and cultural institutions in Brazil and abroad.
Périplo is a Brazilian arts management company. Founded in 2009, Périplo has developed a series of partnerships with Brazilian and international artists, festivals, companies and cultural institutions that make it possible to carry out projects such as important national theatre productions and tours by international artists in Brazil, such as Tadashi Endo, Gardi Hutter, Timbre 4, Avner Eisenberg, Cia do Chapitô, The Paper Cinema and others. Currently, Périplo is dedicated to developing projects for the internationalisation of Brazilian artistic production through consultancy and training of professionals.

Pedro Vilela
TREMA! and CRL – Central ElétricaPedro Vilela is a curator, researcher and artist. A PhD candidate at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Porto, he works with important Portuguese organisations such as CRL-Central Elétrica, Teatro Experimental do Porto and FITEI. He has a long history of working internationally.
TREMA! and CRL – Central Elétrica
TREMA Festival, an event created in Recife that has been running for over 10 years and has been held in Portugal since 2023, with a focus on the presence of dissident bodies. CRL – Central Elétrica is an artist residency centre located in Porto, Portugal, which hosts more than 90 residencies a year, as well as VOLTS – International Performing Arts Meeting.

Richard Santana
Instituto LumiarInstituto Lumiar
Instituto Lumiar is a civil society organisation whose work is based mainly on the pillars of the creative economy, in the belief that this stimulates income generation, creates jobs and produces innovation, while promoting cultural diversity and human development.
It bases its actions on foundations such as quality and excellence in the programming offered to society, establishing dialogues with the territories where the projects take place, strengthening partnerships with artists and professionals with long and recognised careers in the city, prioritising the diversity of languages, audiences, agendas and themes, always with a focus on democratising access to art.

Quito Tembe
KINANIQuito Tembe is currently Curator at Maputo international platform for contemporary art KINANI, Co-curator of Düsseldorf internationale Tanzmesse nrw, Guest Curator of La Biennale de la Danse of Lyon 2025.
KINANI is a platform that aims to promote contemporary dance and the professionalisation of young choreographers through the implementation of training programmes. In recent years it has developed ground-breaking actions to mobilise an ever-wider public. KINANI is proof that it is possible to bring to the centre stage in Maputo, projects of research, experimentation, and exchanges between continents. The platform involves contemporary dance enthusiasts and professionals, thus establishing a melting pot between the art, its creators, and appreciators.

Reinaldo Ribeiro
Laboratorio de Artes Vivas y Ciudadanía de CanariasReinaldo Ribeiro is a transoceanic artist and Afrofuturist lover. His work moves between the fields of choreography, the performing arts, speculative curatorship and ‘cosmic perreo’. He explores what he defines as the 4P concept: the relationship between the political, the poetic, the personal and the pathetic.
Laboratorio de Artes Vivas y Ciudadanía de Canarias
The LAV-C, Laboratorio de Artes Vivas y Ciudadanía de Canarias, is a platform dedicated to promoting and protecting the arts from the Canary Islands. A stable project dedicated to the creation, research, production, mediation, exhibition and development of cultural practices and policies around contemporary performing arts and their direct and active relationship with citizens. Since 2012, it has been offering transformative experiences through co-productions, artist residencies, exhibition programmes, projects to engage with the public and citizens, and programmes for participation and critical thinking.

Rebeca Tineo
Goethe-Institut VenezuelaRebeca Tineo is an architect, teacher, researcher and cultural manager. She has been working at the Goethe-Institut Venezuela since 2018 and has been teaching History of Architecture since 2017 at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Central University of Venezuela.
Goethe-Institut Venezuela
The Goethe-Institut is the worldwide cultural institution of the Federal Republic of Germany with 157 institutes in 98 countries. It promotes knowledge of the German language abroad, fosters international cultural cooperation and works with visual arts, dance, film, music, theatre, discursive and educational activities. The Goethe-Institut Venezuela is present on social media as @goetheccs.

Rodrigo Dourado
OFFRecRodrigo Dourado is the curator of OFFRec (Mostra OFF/Festival Recife do Teatro Nacional). He is also a professor on the Theatre Course at UFPE’s Arts Department and director of the Teatro de Fronteira group (PE) and the UFPE Theatre Company, as well as author of the book Bonecas falando para o mundo (Sesc, 2017).
OFFRec (Mostra OFF/Festival Recife do Teatro Nacional, FRTN), whose first edition took place in 2024. A showcase of performances and scenic works in process, also pedagogical, with a focus on stimulating the Brazilian scene and contemporary socio-cultural dissent. It occupied the Hermilo Borba Filho Theatre for a week during the 24th edition of FRTN.

Rodrigo González Alvarado
Theater der WeltRodrigo González Alvarado, born in Colombia and based in Buenos Aires, works as a cultural practitioner with a focus on performing arts. He coordinated MARKET/FIBA (2019–2024). He has joined recently the co-curation team for Theater der Welt 2026 (Chemnitz, Germany) and is responsible for the Latin American region.
Theater der Welt
Theater der Welt is the most important international theatre festival in Germany and is held every three years in Summer in a different German city. Inspired by the ITI festival Theater der Nationen, which took place in Hamburg in 1979. Theater der Weltwas founded by the ITI Germany in 1981 and since then has presented ground-breaking achievements and developments in theatre from every continent every three years. Chemnitz will host the 2026 Edition and will be organized jointly by The Festival Academy, Theater Chemnitz and Chemnitz 2025 European Capital of Culture. For the first time in history, Theater der Welt will be curated by single individuals working in a collective artistic team consisting of 9 curators from all continents out of The Festival Academy / ITI Alumni community. Partnership, equal rights, sustainability, interdisciplinarity and digitality form the basis of the construction and constellation of this team, which will act together both on the national and international levels.

Rui Silveira
Something GreatRui Silveira is the founder and executive director of Something Great, as well as one of its co-artistic directors.
Something Great
Something Great is a non-profit arts organisation and a new arts centre in Germany dedicated to supporting, promoting, and presenting international contemporary arts, with a particular focus on dance and performance. Established in 2022, it comprises four venues set to open to the public gradually from Summer 2026 to 2030.

Solange Borelli
Plataforma Dança à DerivaSolange Borelli is a cultural project manager and producer. She is the creator and coordinator of Plataforma Dança à Deriva – Plataforma Latino-Americana de Dança, Performance e Teatralidades, now in its 12th edition. She is a PhD student at EACH-USP researching the performing arts on the Latin American scene.
Plataforma Dança à Deriva
Plataforma Dança à Deriva refers to an annual meeting that has been taking place since 2012 in São Paulo, which seeks to bring together performing arts artists from the Latin American scene, bringing to the stage authorial works with transversal and intersectional themes of our contemporaneity. Throughout its editions, it has created affective and poetic networks between artists and audiences, broadening our perception of this territory wrongly called Latin America.

Sonia Sobral
Sonia Sobral has been the performing arts manager at institutions such as Itaú Cultural and Centro Cultural São Paulo for three decades. Her main objectives have been to include artists who were not part of the institutional circuits, as well as recognised artists, offering them all the conditions for creation and circulation.
Independent curator at festivals and exhibitions such as: Mostra internacional de Teatro de São Paulo – MITsp, Festival de Dança Contemporânea de Curitiba # Contém Dança, among others. She accompanies creators on artistic residencies such as the Programa Open Call – Residências Artísticas 2022 and 2023, held by the Teatro Municipal do Porto Rivoli, in Portugal.

Suenne Sotero
SESI-SPSuenne Sotero is a Performing Arts Analyst at SESI-SP. She has been part of the curatorial team for Virada Cultural da Cidade de São Paulo, MIA – Festival de Música Instrumental de Araçatuba, FLI – Festival Literário de Iguape, Ciclo de Cultura Tradicional, Mostra de Circo do Recife and Festival de Inverno de Garanhuns.
SESI-SP carries out cultural management and production, in the languages of theatre, music, visual arts and literature, based on three axes: dissemination of cultural projects, stimulation and democratisation of access to cultural production and training in the arts, promoting the social, human and individual development of the public in the state of São Paulo.

Tarun Kade
Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) | Free Republic of ViennaTarun Kade is a dramaturg and curator in between repertoire theatre and international festivals.
Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) | Free Republic of Vienna
The Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) | Free Republic of Vienna is Europe’s most significant cross-over festival with a radical socio-political impact. The Free Republic of Vienna is a place of production and presentation by renowned and by aspiring artists from all genres and of experimental, radical as well as established artistic visions from throughout the world. Overall, the Free Republic of Vienna considers itself an all-out place where classics (and classic forms of art and genres) are not negated but are re-appropriated, with a presence of politically engaged works and formally experimental art and where new formats are created.

Thomas Schaumberg
Goethe-Institut VenezuelaThomas Schaumberg has been director of the Goethe-Institut Venezuela since 2022.
Goethe-Institut Venezuela
The Goethe-Institut is the worldwide cultural institution of the Federal Republic of Germany with 157 institutes in 98 countries. It promotes knowledge of the German language abroad, fosters international cultural cooperation and works with visual arts, dance, film, music, theatre, speech and educational activities. The Goethe-Institut Venezuela is present on social media as @goetheccs.

Tobias Brenk
Kaserne BaselTobias Brenk studied theatre studies in Giessen, Germany. He is Artistic Director of Kaserne & Theaterfestival Basel (Switzerland), where he was curator before. He was also head of COINCIDENCIA – Cultural Exchange Switzerland-South America & Global Encounters & Initiatives Specialist at Pro Helvetia.
Kaserne Basel
Kaserne Basel is one of the most important venues for the independent contemporary theatre, dance, performance and popular music scene in Switzerland. Moreover, it is a key partner of the local, national and international theatre and dance scene and, as a co-producer, continuously promotes the development of independent theatre and dance companies, as well as young artists from Basel, Switzerland and around the world. Kaserne Basel is also well known for its concerts featuring internationally and nationally renowned musicians. The programme, which focuses on live events, is characterised by its interesting blend of current, up-and-coming, innovative and well-established bands.

Tomasz Kirenczuk
Santarcangelo FestivalTomasz Kireńczuk is a curator, dramaturge, performing arts critic and theoretician. From 2011 to 2019, he co-created the International Theatre Festival Dialog Wrocław in Poland. Since 2021, he has been the artistic director of Santarcangelo Festival in Italy.
Santarcangelo Festival
Santarcangelo Festival is the oldest performing arts festival in Italy and one of the most important in Europe. The focus on artists who challenge established aesthetics and explore new means of expression has quickly earned the Festival a strong international reputation. In recent years, the Festival has seen a steady increase in the presence of professional guests, curators, and directors from major performing arts institutions. In recent years, the Festival has also become an important hub where new projects, collaborations, and alliances supporting the development of contemporary performing arts emerge.

Virginia Fornillo
PANGEAVirginia Fornillo is the director of PANGEA, an Argentine agency for international creative distribution, cultural management and consultancy and development of training courses in the field of the performing arts. She is an advisor on foreign relations for the Austrian platform ACMC (Arts and Cultural Management Conference).
PANGEA is an agency and platform for international distribution, consultancy and advice on cultural management and mediation and the development of training programmes based in Argentina. From a creative and strategic commitment, we are a group of professionals who develop tools to increase the visibility of cultural projects linked to the field of the living arts, both in Latin America and in other regions of the world, articulating new ecosystems of exchange and projecting innovative management and mediation models.

Anne Bechstedt
Goethe-Institut Bogotá/ColombiaAnne Bechstedt is culture manager at the Goethe-Institut in Bogotá, Colombia.
Goethe-Institut Bogotá/Colombia
The Goethe-Institut is the worldwide cultural institution of the Federal Republic of Germany. It promotes knowledge of the German language abroad and fosters international cultural cooperation. Its cultural programme reflects a broad spectrum of topics in the areas of living arts, new media, film, dance and theatre, music and historical memory, with special emphasis on gender diversity and knowledge of indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities, feminism, social participation, inclusion and current discourses on concepts such as sustainability and post-colonialism, for example.

Carmen Salinas
Siemens StiftungCarmen Salinas has a background in art history and dramaturgy and has worked as a creative producer and grant manager for various artists, performance groups and institutions in Germany, such as the Rhine-Main Dance Platform.. Since 2024, she has been project manager at the Siemens Stiftung foundation.
Siemens Stiftung
Siemens Stiftung is a non-profit foundation committed to sustainable social development in the areas of education, culture and essential services. Within the cultural area, the foundation focuses on the collaboration and exchange between different regional cultural scenes, laying emphasis on sustainability issues and social cohesion.

Celso Curi
OFF Produções CulturaisCelso Curi is a producer, cultural manager, translator and journalist. He has been working in the cultural field since 1968. He is director of OFF Produções Culturais, creator and editor of OFF Guia de Teatro SP and creator of Espaço OFF, for theatre and musical performances, as well as curator of FIT / Recife – Reside.
OFF Produções Culturais
Created in 1991 as the successor to Espaço OFF, one of São Paulo’s most important cultural spaces in the 1980s and 1990s, OFF Produções Culturais focuses on the production, circulation and exchange of avant-garde works and artists and new languages. In 1996, she created OFF Guia de Teatro São Paulo, a free print media publication that publishes a detailed monthly list of theatres and their programmes. During its 34 years of existence, OFF has realised and created projects in partnership with artists and institutions in Brazil and abroad.

Christoph Bertrams
Goethe-Institut PeruChristoph Bertrams is director of the Goethe-Institut Peru, formerly of the Goethe-Institut Chile.
Goethe-Institut Peru
The Goethe-Institut works for cultural exchange in many countries around the world. As a cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global presence, it works for understanding between Germany, Europe and the world. The basis for this is the framework agreement with the German Federal Foreign Office. The Goethe-Institut informs the world about the cultural and social diversity of Germany and Europe. The Goethe-Institut’s global network consists of 151 locations in 98 countries, together with numerous partner institutions.

Dane de Jade
FIMCDane de Jade is an actress, producer, curator and cultural manager. She is the creator of Mostra Sesc Cariri, FIMC and Beatos. She has curated several festivals. She is a member of the WG of the Rede Brasileira de Festivais de Artes Cênicas and the Rede de Festivais do Ceará, as well as being the Curator of the Shell Theatre Award in the national category.
The FIMC was born out of a partnership with the traditional Quebec Mask Festival in Canada, one of the most important festivals of theatrical masks. The FIMC brings together various artistic expressions, always with a focus on masks and their various forms of expression. The Festival takes place in the Cariri region of Ceará, which becomes the stage for scenic arts shows, parades, interventions, performances, street shows, among other actions that make up the programme enhanced by exchanges, training and enjoyment.

Dmitry Kondrashov
State Theatre of NationsDmitry Kondrashov is the manager of the international department of the State Theatre of Nations.
State Theatre of Nations
State Theatre of Nations is a professional repertory drama theatre founded in 1885 as a private theatre nowadays being subsidized by the Ministry of culture. In 2006 Evgeny Mironov, a national theatre and cinema star, became its artistic director. Mironov invites the most eminent Russian theatre directors to put productions on theatre’s 3 venues. Together with that every season one foreign stage director enriches the theatre’s playbill with a specially commissioned show. Theatre of Nations has already worked with artists from USA, France, Canada, Japan, China to be followed in the season 2025/2026 by those from South Africa, India and China again. Theatre of Nations, as its name implies, searches to bring cultures together, to explore their collision and to enjoy the result of the work and co-creation of foreign artists and Russian actors.

Felipe de Assis
Festival Internacional de Artes Cênicas da BahiaFelipe de Assis is a stage artist, manager and curator. He is studying for a PhD in Performing Arts at UFBA. He has curated projects such as Rumos Itaú Cultural, Oi Futuro and MITbr. Co-creator of FIAC Bahia, he is part of collaborative networks. Through 7Oito Projetos, he organises festivals and teaches courses.
Festival Internacional de Artes Cênicas da Bahia
The Festival Internacional de Artes Cênicas da Bahia places Bahia on the international performing arts circuit, providing a panorama with a plurality of proposals that mark the contemporary world and national scene. With annual editions, FIAC Bahia has brought to Bahia a series of attractions never seen before in the region, programmed for various venues in the city. The attractions also dialogue with local stage production, which is always present in the programme. An exchange that is not limited to performances, but is enhanced through other activities that extend this exchange, such as chats, workshops and meetings.

Filipe Dama
Mostra Cultural de PeçanhaFilipe Dama is the Secretary of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Peçanha (MG). A public manager for cultural heritage, human rights, reparations and the promotion of racial equality, he is also a researcher into ethnic and cultural identity and holds a master’s degree in rural studies, as well as being a visual artist, capoeirista and member of the terreiro people.
Mostra Cultural de Peçanha
The Mostra Cultural de Peçanha is an event organised by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Peçanha Town Hall (MG) and conceived and directed by Filipe Dama. The festival brings together works of visual arts, audiovisual, literature, traditional knowledge, music, dance, theatre and solidarity economy, with an interdisciplinary curatorship designed through an anthropological study of the cultural and ethnic identity of the people and territories of Peçanha, the Vale do Rio Doce, the state of Minas Gerais and Latin America.

Guilherme Filho
Festival do Teatro BrasileiroGuilherme Filho is a journalist with a specialisation in art criticism from the Federal University of Bahia. Filho has worked in the newsrooms of TV Bandeirantes and Globo in Salvador, and Apoio, Globo and Record in Brasília. Mentor, curator and artistic director of the Festival do Teatro Brasileiro.
Festival do Teatro Brasileiro
The Festival do Teatro Brasileiro is an outstanding project for the circulation of the performing arts in Brazil. In 22 editions, it has promoted the national circulation of dance, theatre and circus productions from ten states to audiences in 14 states. The festival promotes artistic, socio-cultural, educational, training and audience qualification activities.

Irene Müller
Goethe-InstitutIrene Müller is director.
The Goethe-Institut is a nonprofit German cultural organization operational worldwide with more than 150 cultural centres, promoting the study of the German language abroad and encouraging international cultural exchange and relations. Around 246,000 people have studied German in these courses per year. It is named after German poet and statesman Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. As a registered association, the Goethe-Institut e.V. is politically independent. The Goethe-Institut fosters knowledge about Germany by providing information on German culture, society and socio-political affairs. This includes the promotion of German films, music, theatre, and literature. Goethe cultural societies, reading rooms, and examination and language centres have played an important role in the cultural and educational activities of Germany in many countries for more than 60 years.

Júlio César Dória
Secretaria Municipal de Cultura e Economia Criativa da cidade de São PauloJúlio César Dória has a bachelor’s degree in theatre acting from ECA/USP and is a producer. Since 2011, he has been the supervisor and curator of the Municipal Theatres of the Municipal Department of Culture and Creative Economy of the city of São Paulo and has also participated as curator of Performing Arts in various editions of Virada Cultural.
Secretaria Municipal de Cultura e Economia Criativa da cidade de São Paulo
The Municipal Department of Culture and Creative Economy of the city of São Paulo establishes guidelines that formulate, implement and evaluate culture policy; stimulates debate, reflection and artistic and intellectual creation; maintains and preserves cultural facilities and spaces and promotes the use of public spaces for artistic and cultural activities, among other duties.

Leonel Henckes
Goethe-Institut Salvador-BahiaLeonel Henckes is an actor, producer and cultural manager. He has a degree in Performing Arts from UFSM (RS) and a master’s and doctorate in Performing Arts from UFBA, with an internship at Freie Universität Berlin. He is Director of Operations at the Vila Sul International Artist Residency Programme at the Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia.
Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia
As Germany’s official cultural institute, the Goethe-Institut promotes cultural exchange, education and social discourse in an international context, as well as supporting the teaching and learning of the German language. Together with local partners, it turns its attention to global opportunities and challenges, bringing different perspectives into a dialogue of trust. Present in 98 countries, with 151 locations, it has been operating in Salvador, Bahia, since 1962. The Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia organises and supports a wide range of cultural events to present German culture abroad and promote intercultural exchange. Its Vila Sul international residency programme welcomes renowned artists and experts from all over the world who work on themes that are particularly relevant to the countries of the so-called ‘Global South’.

Margherita Petti
IETM - International Network for the Contemporary Performing ArtsMargherita Petti is an Italian cultural manager and dancer. She joined IETM in 2021 and now she covers the role of Membership Manager, while taking care of other side projects.
IETM – International Network for the Contemporary Performing Arts
IETM – International Network for the Contemporary Performing Arts is one of the oldest and largest international cultural networks in the world, representing the voice of over 470 members based in over 60 countries working in the contemporary performing arts worldwide. With over 40 years of history, their network is a vehicle for transnational conversations in response to the need of the performing arts sector to constantly research, share and promote new innovative ways of collaborating internationally. By highlighting new trends, models, innovations and challenges emerging from their members and the sector at large, we play a key role in advocating for the value of the arts and improving the conditions and recognition of the performing arts sector worldwide. Their ultimate goal is to safeguard yet feed new life into international collaboration and offer new transnational oxygen for artistic works.

Maria Staryguina
State Theatre of NationsMaria Staryguina is head of international department and producer of the State Theatre of Nations.
State Theatre of Nations
State Theatre of Nations is a professional repertory drama theatre founded in 1885 as a private theatre nowadays being subsidized by the Ministry of culture. In 2006 Evgeny Mironov, a national theatre and cinema star, became its artistic director. Mironov invites the most eminent Russian theatre directors to put productions on theatre’s 3 venues. Together with that every season one foreign stage director enriches the theatre’s playbill with a specially commissioned show. Theatre of Nations has already worked with artists from USA, France, Canada, Japan, China to be followed in the season 2025/2026 by those from South Africa, India and China again. Theatre of Nations, as its name implies, searches to bring cultures together, to explore their collision and to enjoy the result of the work and co-creation of foreign artists and Russian actors.

Martin Leon
Goethe-Institut PeruMartin Leon is in charge of cultural programming at the Goethe-Institut Peru.
Goethe-Institut Peru
As a cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global presence, the Goethe-Institut seeks understanding between Germany, Europe and the world. The basis for this is the framework agreement with the German Federal Foreign Office. The Goethe-Institut’s global network consists of 151 locations in 98 countries, together with numerous partner institutions. The Federal Foreign Office provides institutional support for the institute, which also receives support from the European Union and other federal ministries, as well as foundations and agencies in Germany and abroad.

Mateusz Szymanówka
SophiensæleMateusz Szymanówka is a dramaturg and curator working at Sophiensæle in Berlin since 2020. He is responsible for the dance program, and curation of the festival Tanztage Berlin.
Sophiensæle is one of Berlin’s most important centers for the independent performing arts. Located in a historically protected building complex that was formerly home to the Berlin Craftsmen’s Association (Handwerkervereinshaus), Sophiensæle presents a broad, ever-changing spectrum of performing arts. Founded in 1996 as a theater by artists for artists, they consider it our core task to promote artistic growth and development. As such, they present a mixture of both established and emerging talents, as well as local and international perspectives. Their stages feature artists who work outside the boundaries of genre, exploring new possibilities within and beyond their disciplines and developing innovative forms that bridge the worlds of dance, performance, theater, visual arts, discourse, text, hospitality, and immersive gatherings.

Paula de Renor
RESIDEPaula de Renor is an actress, producer, curator and cultural manager from Recife (PE). Director of Remo Produções Artísticas since its creation in 1983, she has produced several theatre shows and international co-productions. She is also the creator and producer of RESIDE-FIT/PE, now in its 5th edition.
RESIDE is an international theatre festival that has been held in Recife (PE) for the last five years. The festival focuses on training and reflecting on the theatre scene through artistic presentations, residencies, workshops and meetings to share experiences and knowledge, debate ideas and creative processes, as well as strengthen bonds of coexistence and encourage the breaking down of any territorial and linguistic barriers. RESIDE is part of the Núcleo dos Festivais Internacionais de Artes Cênicas do Brasil.

Sergio Bacelar
FTB - Festival do Teatro Brasileiro e MID - Movimento Internacional de DançaSergio Bacelar is the creator and director of FTB – Brazilian Theatre Festival and MID – Movimento Internacional de Dança, held in Brasilia.
FTB – Festival do Teatro Brasileiro e MID – Movimento Internacional de Dança
FTB – Festival do Teatro Brasileiro is an outstanding project for the circulation of the performing arts in Brazil. The MID – Movimento Internacional de Dança, held in the country’s capital, is a wide-ranging, educational project that raises awareness among new audiences.

Silvana Pombal
KINANISilvana Pombal is an actress and producer at KINANI, an international dance platform in Maputo, Mozambique. In 2023, she had the opportunity to coordinate the production of the Dance Biennale in Africa. In addition to her activities at KINANI, she is currently working on tour management.
KINANI KINANI is a platform that aims to promote contemporary dance and the professionalisation of young choreographers through the implementation of training programmes. In recent years, it has developed innovative actions to mobilise an increasingly wide audience. KINANI is proof that it is possible to bring research, experimentation and exchange projects between continents to Maputo’s centre stage. The platform involves contemporary dance enthusiasts and professionals, thus establishing a melting pot between the art, its creators and appreciators.

Simone Herdrich
Instituto Cultural Paraguayo-Alemão - Goethe-ZentrumSimone Herdrich has been director of the German-Paraguayen Culture Institut Goethe-Zentrum since 2014.
Instituto Cultural Paraguayo-Alemão – Goethe-Zentrum
German Culture and Language Institut is a local NGO since 1958 and it is working together with the Goethe-Institut. During the year there are a large cultural program with local and international artists. It is the only Institut who can give international german language certificates in Paraguay. Also working together with the Independent and contemporary Cultural Aret Scene in Asuncion and countrywide.

Sophie Becker
SPIELART FestivalSophie Becker studied dramaturgy at the August Everding Theatre Academy. She is the deputy head of the directing programme there and is the artistic and festival director of the SPIELART Festival in Munich.
SPIELART is a festival for contemporary theatre both nationally and internationally. It scrutinises theatre as an art form, exploring and continually reconstituting it from its periphery. SPIELART creates lasting relations with local and international artists while actively advocating for the promotion of new talent as well as for the structural improvement of international theatre production.

Stephanie Maiwald
Goethe-Institut Bogotá/ColômbiaStephanie Maiwald is a cultural anthropologist and has worked for the Goethe-Institut since 2018. She held positions at its headquarters and directed the institutes in Caracas and Bogotá. With 20 years of experience in South America and Europe, she focuses on civil society’s artistic expressions.
Goethe-Institut Bogotá/Colômbia
Through German language education and the promotion of cultural exchange across Colombia, the Goethe-Institut in Bogotá fulfills its institutional mission. As a key actor in international cultural cooperation, we support artistic and academic dialogue, creating spaces for critical reflection and innovation. We collaborate with local and international partners to address global challenges through culture and education. Our programs foster mutual understanding and strengthen the ties between Colombia and Germany.

Tatjana Lorenz
Goethe-Institut São PauloTatjana Lorenz is an architect and urban planner with a postgraduate degree in Theory and Design for the Restoration of Historic Buildings and Cities and a specialisation in Sustainable Design from Gaia Education (RJ). She works at the Goethe-Institut SP as a cultural projects coordinator.
Goethe-Institut São Paulo
The Goethe-Institut is a cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany – with the mission of promoting German language learning and fostering cultural exchange. This exchange is nurtured and strengthened by connections between artists, activists, academic thinkers, researchers, creative minds and institutional partnerships. A large network on Brazilian territory that bridges international territories and vice versa. It is precisely in this confluence that the richness of its work lies, in plurality, in transdisciplinary encounters, in constant dialogue.

Wesley Kawaai
OFF Produções CulturaisWesley Kawaai is director of OFF Produções Culturais and editor of OFF Guia de Teatro de São Paulo.
OFF Produções Culturais
Created in 1991 as the successor to Espaço OFF, one of São Paulo’s most important cultural spaces in the 1980s and 1990s, OFF Produções Culturais focuses on the production, circulation and exchange of avant-garde works and artists and new languages. In 1996, she created OFF Guia de Teatro São Paulo, a free print media publication that publishes a detailed monthly list of theatres and their programmes. During its 34 years of existence, OFF has realised and created projects in partnership with artists and institutions in Brazil and abroad.

Dagmara Gumkowska
SIlesian Theatre e OPEN THE DOOR International FestivalDagmara Gumkowska is a programmer, theatre curator, promoter, impresario, arts and cultural events manager and fundraiser. Head of the Guest Performances, Touring & International Cooperation Department (Silesian Theatre, Katowice). Programme Curator of OPEN THE DOOR International Festival organised by the Silesian Theatre.
SIlesian Theatre and OPEN THE DOOR International Festival
The Silesian Theatre (Stanislaw Wyspianski Teatr Slaski) in Katowice is the largest drama stage in Upper Silesia. There are works of Polish and world classic and modern drama, devised works, guest performances (from Poland and abroad) of various styles and genres, performances for young people and children, concerts, interdisciplinary events presented. In the year 2018 the company started a new project: OPEN THE DOOR International Festival. OPEN THE DOOR International Festival is one of the most unique festivals in southern Poland. Its programme includes works of disable artists and artists from disadvantaged groups, projects raising important social questions, outdoor events. The Festival aims to reach new people, is open to various theatre forms, showing its diversity – modern, experimental and traditional styles and various genres including dance. It is an annual project, from the year 2021 organised in June (before was happening in September). The festival programme so far have included performances and projects created by artists from France, Spain, Mexico, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Israel, Belarus, Ukraine, Chile, Kosovo, Italy, Belgium, Iceland, Peru, and of course Poland.

Friederike Moeschel
Goethe-Institut Salvador-BahiaFriederike Moeschel is the director of the Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia since 2021. Prior to this, she was working for the Goethe-Institut, the official cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany, in the UAE, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Nigeria.
Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global presence. For over 70 years, the institut facilitated international cultural exchange, promoted access to the German language and supported the unimpeded development of culture and science. As the globally active cultural institution of the Federal Republic of Germany, the institut advocates for understanding between Germany, Europe and the world. The framework agreement with the German Federal Foreign Office is the foundation for this work. Worldwide, the institute provides information about the cultural and societal diversity of Germany and Europe. 151 Goethe-Institutes in 98 countries together with numerous partner institutions form the basis of their global network.