Ministério da Cultura, Redecard, Sabesp e Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de São Paulo apresentam

Mostra Internacional de Teatro de São Paulo

1º a 10 de
de 2024

Lolling and Rolling

Jaha Koo / CAMPO

45 min | Parental rating 14+


Lolling and Rolling
@Marie Clauzade

4/3, at 20h

Teatro do SESI-SP

Avenida Paulista, 1313, Jardins



South Korean artist Jaha Koo looks at linguistic imperialism, showing how language can be used as a political weapon and source of power. The show addresses the impact of so-called “tongue-tie surgery,” which for years was a phenomenon in South Korea. The surgery was used to make the muscle supposedly better able to correctly pronounce the “r” sound in English. By scrutinising this practice, the absurdities and the meanings that surround it, the work reveals how the denial and devaluation of a language also instigates the loss of an identity, causing the so-called subalterns to be colonised not only linguistically, but also culturally.

The Hamartia Trilogy

Lolling and Rolling is the first part of Jaha Koo’s Hamartia Trilogy, together with the shows Cuckoo and The History of Korean Western Theatre. The imperialism of the past and present, and its sometimes-unexpected personal impact are the common threads of these three works of documentary theatre presented at MITsp. In Greek, hamartia means “tragic flaw or shortcoming”, a concept that interweaves each of the works differently, which themes involve the clash between Eastern and Western cultures.

Trigger warning: Explicit content and loud music. 


Jaha Koo is a South Korean theatre creator and composer. His work, closely linked to politics, history and his own personal issues, moves between multimedia and performance, bringing music, videos, texts and authorial installations. He currently presents his shows around the world. In 2024, he is working on a new creation, Haribo Kimchi, and on his musical project, GuJAHA. The artist took his first steps at the Brussels Arts Workshop Pianofabriek and the Bâtard Festival. Since 2017, he has been creating his work supported by CAMPO, a research, development and artistic production platform based in Belgium.


Lolling and Rolling is ultimately about how Korea is haunted by the spectre of American superiority and cultural imperialism, proving how language and violence are deeply, intricately linked. […] It is a tightly planned and staged production, bringing across salient and deeply felt points with a lethal combination of image, music and performance.”



A calm but fierce attack against language colonization.

Helmut Ploebst, em Der Standard


Concept, text, direction, music, video and performance: Jaha Koo

Dramaturgy: Dries Douibi

Scenography: Eunkyung Jeong

Artistic advice: Pol Heyvaert

Technical: Korneel Coessens, Jan Berkmans and Bart Huybrechts


Original support: DAS Theatre

Executive producer (2021): CAMPO

Co-production: Kunstenfestivaldesarts