Ministério da Cultura, Redecard e Sabesp apresentam

1º a 10 de
de 2024

PERROS – Dog Talks

Monina Bonelli, Celso Curi and Renata Melo

120 min | Parental rating free


PERROS – Diálogos Caninos

PERROS – Dog Talks

5/3, Tuesday, at 18h 

6/3, Wednesday, at 6pm

Parque Augusta

On Tuesday (5th), the intervention starts at 6pm, with a circuit of simultaneous performances lasting 20 minutes each, allowing the public to take part in all the actions or just the ones they choose. This will be followed by the Dog Parade, which will take place inside Parque Augusta. Dogs are welcome to take part in the action with their guardians. The public can take part in all the actions or just one of them.

On Wednesday (6th), the intervention takes place from 6pm in Parque Augusta, with the performance circuit.


The dog has always been a co-builder of the community. Since the early days of homo sapiens, the “best friend of man” supports mutual survival, providing protection and affection. The dog is a mirror of the species. Or just a reflection of an interspecies society. The relationship between humans and dogs in the urban context is examined in this work created by Argentine Monina Bonelli and Brazilians Celso Curi and Renata Melo. Premiering at MITsp, the intervention proposes a dialogue between art and community, built together with artists, thinkers, neighbours and pet dogs. With Parque Augusta as the meeting point,, owners and their dogs are invited to dialogue with the surroundings and to relate to the territories in an artistic way, discovering and celebrating the performance of everyday life.


Guide to the activities developed from the creative process with the community



With different routes in and around Parque Augusta, the audio guides take us through four different stories, immersing the audience in the richness of their narratives and meanings.

  • A story of heroes 

Meeting Point, at 6pm, 6h15pm, 6h30pm, 6h45pm, 7pm and 7h15pm 

Hiro arrives in São Paulo with Débora and Ronny. This is his fifth attempt at having a family. The following week, Parque Augusta reopens. From then on, the three of them walk their paths together and learn to be with each other, engaging in dialogue and transforming themselves. 

Text: Debora Lazari and Ronny Wong

Narration: Suia Legaspe

  • And all because of the dogs 

Meeting point, at 6pm, 6h15pm, 6h30pm, 6h45pm, 7pm and 7h15pm

Sergio Carrera is an actor and neighbour of Augusta Park, one of the people who fought to make it a place for everyone. He knows the park-goers and the homeless. He knows everyone because of his dogs. And everyone, because of his dogs’ names. 

Text and narration: Sergio Carrera

  • Pain of the dog

Meeting point, 6pm, 6h30pm and 7pm

In an attempt to cure his elbow pain after being dumped by his girlfriend, Jorge follows his therapist’s tip: “make a list of the ten things that bothered you most about her and focus on that”. Jorge, who has never liked pets, realises that his ex’s motherly, passionate and affectionate relationship with Cyber, her Siberian husky, was driving him crazy.

Text: Antonio Prata and Carol Tilkian

Narration: Rodolpho Correa

  • The Spirit of True Love 

Meeting point, at 6pm, 6h30pm and 7pm

When a dog follows you, it’s because he’s chosen you. And even if you resist at first, there’s no choice but to be together. To look after each other, to love each other, to be a family. And only then will you realise what he’s come to tell you, and which of those things you can learn. 

Text and narration: Ivam Cabral



Immersive reading experience, a dog talk through the written word, illustration and sound.

Redario, at 6pm, 6h30pm and 7pm

Lying in the hammock, looking up, like a dog.

Lying in the hammock, like a human, reading.

Between canine and human voices.

Between letters from neighbours and their dogs.

Between poems, illustrations and philosophy.

About everything that differentiates us,

about everything that unites us



Sensory installation, a dog talk through visual experience.

Cachorródromo, from 6pm to 7h30pm

Some say they see in blue and red,

others say they see in green and blue

or that it’s only grey.

What they don’t see, they sniff out.

That’s the world close to the ground,

a world that looks like 3D

at canine eye level.



Assembly, a dog talk through spoken word and barking.

Araucária, from 6pm to 7h30pm

Humans and dogs get together in a circle to 

share experiences and provocations.

Dogs and mysticism. Dogs and adoption.

Dogs and transgender. Dogs and humanisation.

Dogs and language, the pandemic, euthanasia.

Dogs and homeless people. Dogs and family.

Dogs and the city. Polis canini.



Visual arts performance, a dog talk through the visual arts and painting

Grass, from 6pm to 7h30pm

People and dogs, 

two pots of paint, a sheet of paper,

a roller and a brush.

That’s it!

Now the dogs can paint,

sitting down, eating a treat

lying down, without getting dirty.

Tutors and dogs will create their own dog-created works.

Coordination: Tania Alice and her dog Buda



Celebration, a dog talk through body, movement and music.

Grandstand, 7h30pm to 8pm

Nobody knows what dog dancing is.

How is it created, what are its rules?

Perhaps the emotion of the owners

or integration between dogs

is the main condition,

to be together in movement.

Walking, playing, jumping. Hugging each other.

Dancing between species.



Grandstand, after the action Feet and paws dance, on Tuesday (5th)

The dog walk is a celebration of meeting people.

The mongrels or SRDs, the defined breeds, the lost and the found.

A celebration of canine pride.


Argentine Monina Bonelli is an artist and curator of performing arts. Graduated in acting and dramaturgy, she has received scholarships and distinctions, including the Trinidad Guevara award for best production for Teatro Bombón and best supporting actress for Siglo de Oro Trans [Trans Gold Age]. Since 2001, she has developed herself as an artist and curator of spaces and festivals, focusing in innovation of creation and exhibition formats, and in art and community work. She was a performing arts advisor at Buenos Aires Youth Art Biennial and artistic director of Centro Cultural 25 de Maio, in Buenos Aires. She created, with Cristian Scotton and Sol Salinas, the short plays festival site specific Teatro Bombón, where Bonelli develops projects as an artist and curator.

Celso Curi is a producer, cultural manager, translator and journalist. He is the director of OFF Cultural Productions, founder and publisher of OFF Theatre Guide SP and RJ. He directed Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade (2013-2015), was president of Latin America and the Caribbean Network of Cultural Promoters (2011-2013), curator of the Curitiba Theatre Festival (2008-2015), the Cena Brasil Internacional Festival RJ/SP (2012-2014) and the São José do Rio Preto International Theatre Festival (fit, 2015-2016). Since 2018, he is the president of Associação Paulista de Críticos de Arte (APCA) and the curator of Reside FIT-PE.

Renata Melo is a dancer, choreographer, actress and director, and develops her work in São Paulo. In the 1980s, she created the dance group Marzipan, for which she danced and choreographed plays that were part of the repertoire of ten shows. She was a Rockefeller Foundation fellow at the American Dance Festival. She created shows such as Slices of Life, Receba as Flores [Take this Flowers], Bonita Lampião [Beautiful Lampião], Doméstica  [Maid] and Passatempo  [Hobby], in which she also performed. She received the APCA, Mambembe, Shell and Molière awards for her work.


Original idea and creation: Monina Bonelli

Co-creator: Celso Curi

Guest Artist: Renata Melo

Artist mediator with the community: Sérgio Carrera

Collaborating artist-researcher: Tania Alice

Research group: Dr Horacio Banega, Dr Roxana Ybañes and Dr Malala González

Doggy stimulus: Buda, Chico, Hiro, Paninho, Perri, Pina, Juca e Xingu

Audioguide texts: Antonio Prata and Carol Tilkian, Ivam Cabral, Sergio Carrera, Debora Lazari and Ronny Wong

Audio narration: Ivam Cabral, Rodolpho Correa, Sergio Carrera and Suia Legaspe 

Resident artists: Anderson Soares Bernardes, Andrea Tedesco, Eduardo Görck, Éric Silva, Hadassah Wengler, Isadora Rodrigues, Karina Scariott, Laís Efstathiadis, Lena Giuliano, Livia Carvalheiro, Lucas Donnangelo, Luiz Fábio Torres, Michel Nader, Natallia Mazarim and Samuel Paixão

Participation: community around Parque Augusta e Praça Roosevelt

Technical Director: Jimmy Wong

Technician: Hamilton Carlos Coelho

Studio photos: Rodrigo Chueri

Costume photo: Marc Lab

Canine Album photos: Annelize Tozetto

Graphic arts intern for the project: Milly.E

Programme graphic design: Emilio Rogê

Production management: Heloisa Andersen

Executive production: Wesley Kawaai

Presented by: Teatro Bombón (AR), OFF Produções Culturais (BR) and MITsp

Institutional support: Secretaria Municipal do Verde e do Meio Ambiente, Secretaria Municipal de Turismo and Parque Augusta.

Support: Cobogó, Corpo Rastreado, IBT – Instituto Brasileiro de Teatro, Proteatro (AR) and SP Escola de Teatro

Acknowledgements: Adriane Bertini, Allan Salles, Alma Holgado, Anderson Martins, Ariel Perez de María, Artur Bertini Malavolta, Associação Paulista dos Amigos da Arte, Casa Abe, Clara de Cápua, Dyra Oliveira, Equipe do Parque Augusta, Gilles Eduar, Glaucio Lima Franca, Guido Correa, Heraldo Guiaro, Luanna Jimenes, Marcio Gallacci, Maria del Carmen Moyano, Marina Pampin, Mónica Holgado, Pamela López Rodriguez, Paola Traczuk, Patricia Gasppar, Petz unidade rua Augusta, Plinio Soares, Roberto Alencar,  Teatro Sérgio Cardoso, Vicenta Varela and Zoilo Garcés

Especially to the dog Hipólito (2008-2024)