Ministério da Cultura, Redecard e Sabesp apresentam

1º a 10 de
de 2024

People from There

Wellington Gadelha

Fortaleza/CE, 2018 | 50 min | Parental Rating 16+


Gente de Lá

People from There
@Renato Mangolin

8/3, Friday, 6pm

9/3, Saturday, at 6pm


CCSP | Espaço Ademar Guerra

R. Vergueiro, 1000, Liberdade



A poetic moment of accusation and affront is proposed by Wellington Gadelha in this black, ghetto, urban and transversal scenic action. The artist from Ceará starts with the research of a Russian roulette body to reflect urgent issues ranging from the daily slaughters in Fortaleza, in Ceará, to the structural massacre of the black population in the country. Crossed by the visual arts, the work creates and recreates the forms and senses of the objects with which the performer relates onstage. Among arrays of movements and improvisation, finding in the funk 150 bpm sound its thermometer, the solo brings the emergency as a dramaturgical device and builds a corporeality capable of breaching the preestablished borders for blacks in dance, rethinking territories, violence and subjective circuits of ethnic-racial and spatial segregation in urban context. At a crossroads where life and art collide, the performance is a triggering exercise and an invitation to reflection.

Trigger warning: contains loud music and claustrophobic images.


Multidisciplinary artist, Wellington Gadelha develops work and research at Plataforma Afrontamento. He holds performances, video dances, installations and immersive processes in technological art and sound art, in addition to integrating a network of collectives with an emphasis on human rights, periphery and black youth. With People from There, he has performed at the Dance Biennial of Ceará, Itacaré Festival (Bahia), Atos de Fala (Rio de Janeiro and Zurich), Panorama Festival (France) and the Sesc Dance Biennial (São Paulo).


The contemporary dance show People from There, by Wellington Gadelha, from Ceará, touches on a wound that bleeds daily in the favelas of the capital of Ceará, but also in the outskirts of other major Brazilian cities.

Wolney Batista, Diário do Nordeste


Giving a body to necropolitics under the periphery icon is not a simple task, as it would require the engagement of language with aesthetic experience in a total agency of the bodily senses with the materiality of death and violence that determines this territory in its economic subordination. ‘People from There’, a choreographic performance created by Wellington Gadelha, artist, activist and resident of the periphery of Fortaleza, Ceará, places itself precisely in this challenge: to deceive death and displace its senses, in order to articulate not a metaphorical periphery depiction, but a set of biases that we could understand as the singularity of a body-periphery.

Pablo Assumpção Barros Costa and Christine Greiner, in  the article Dobrar a morte, despossuir a violência: corpo, performance, necropolítica


Concept, dramaturgy and sound research: Wellington Gadelha

Audiovisual concept and sound: Priscilla Sousa

Lighting and sound: Fábio Silva and Yanka Leandra

Set: Wellington Gadelha and Emanuel Oliveira

Mentoring: Luiz de Abreu

Dramaturgical interlocutors: Leonardo França and Thereza Rocha

Music production: DJ Pedro Ribeiro

Executive production: Georgiane Carvalho

Production: Plataforma Afrontamento

Graphic design: Diogo Braga

Supported by: Rumos Itaú Cultural