Ministério da Cultura, Redecard e Sabesp apresentam

1º a 10 de
de 2024

Monster Dance

Cia. dos Pés

Maceió/AL, 2019 | 55 min | Parental Rating 16+


Dança Monstro

Monster Dance
@Jul Souza

7/3, Thursday, 7pm

8/3, Friday, at 7pm


Centro Cultural Tendal da Lapa

R. Guaicurus, 1100, Água Branca


The last show of the Cia. dos Pés trilogy, which explores the relations between dance, environment and culture, it takes nudity as a starting point to seek a connection with what is most essential in us as beings of nature. With their feet stuck on the ground and their heads connected to the sky, the performers launch themselves into an umbilical and universal spiral, proposing a circular perspective of existence and to horizontalize the look at the knowledge possibilities embraced by the body. Dramaturgy, structured in the overlap between sound and movement, finds in traditional Brazilian dances a place of identity, dialoguing with the popular manifestations of tambor de crioula and indigenous toré [ritual that brings together music, dance and religion], as well as principles of tai chi.

Trigger warning: contains nudity and loud noises.


Cia. dos Pés was created in 2000, in Maceió (AL), directed by dance artist Telma César. The group’s main interest is the development of research processes for the production of knowledge in dance, especially in the form of shows. The main references to design their creations are the Laban system, somatic education and popular tradition culture in Brazil. The company’s works have already toured several cities, such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Recife, João Pessoa and Fortaleza.


The work developed by Cia. dos Pés throughout these 23 years of existence seeks to distance itself from colonial imaginaries by producing other figurative paths in the production and making of its dance. […] its dramaturgy builds its political and poetic meanings based on its own ground, which is irregular and uneven, different from the colonial ground that always seeks to smooth and plan the territories and symbologies of colonised bodies and territories.

Reginaldo dos Santos Oliveira, in the article Por uma poética do chão: um percurso no fazer da trilogia ‘Dança Baixa, Dança Anfíbia e Dança Monstro’ da Companhia dos Pés


Cia. dos Pés works with procedural dramaturgy, choosing human material as fundamental resource. The leadership of meaning in the choreographic piece is built by the dramaturgy of physicality. The narrative takes place, is made by and in the dancing body poetics. Another aspect I consider exquisite are dancing bodies that follow expressive body techniques in the hybrid relation between diverse dances arising from plural matrices and interact and reinstate the contemporary scenic body.

Valéria Cano Bravi, in portfolio of Cia. dos Pés


Concept and general direction: Telma César

Choreography: Cia. dos Pés

Performers: Joelma Ferreira, Magnun Angelo and Reginaldo Oliveira

Soundtrack: Telma César, Ari Colares (drums) and Léo Bulhões (edition)

Sound Technicians: Crystian Castro and Telma César

Technical/physical training: Telma César and Nanna Buarque

Production: Benita Rodrigues and Reginaldo Oliveira

Video maker: Glauber Xavier

Photographic record: Jul Sousa and Benita Rodrigues

Creation and lighting design: Moab Oliveira

Light technician: Moab Oliveira

Visual identity:  Ulysses Ribas

Press: Anita Karine Cavalcante