Ministério da Cultura, Redecard e Sabesp apresentam

1º a 10 de
de 2024

Critical Regards

The program proposes a debate on performing arts and contemporaneity based on a series of reflective actions.

Curatorship: Leda Maria Martins

Co-Curatorship: Natasha Corbelino

A poetic and reflective choreography

Leda Maria Martins e Natasha Corbelino, curadoras do eixo Olhares Críticos



All the domains of MITsp 2024 Critical Regards Axis: magMas-classes, Thought-in-Process, Cross-Cultural-Dialogues, Encounters and Critical Practice were designed in an integrated way, aiming to promote a summoning experience in the meetings with the plays and performances that constitute this edition riveting repertoire.

We’ve gathered an extraordinary guest cast, whose path associates with emphases and diversities, also promoting plural interlocution between thoughts, creativity, intersections of perspectives and ideas. Transdisciplinary exchanges.

We privilege crossings, flows, folds and intersections of multiple sonorities, dances and aesthetic mediation, aiming to emphasise different profiles of creation and reciprocity with the audience. A poetic and reflective, multidisciplinary choreography, in which the playful also crosses the critical scene as vibration.

Talks, propositions, intersectionality, local letters which investigate themselves, interacting with numerous issues: ethnic, gender, sexuality, affectivity, subjectivations, corporeality, languages, experimentation, radicality and traditions which the program offers us.

Leda Maria Martins and Natasha Corbelino, Critical Regards axis curators