Ministério da Cultura
e Redecard apresentam

 13 a 23 
 de Março 
 de 2025 

Pelé e Denise Assunção

13 a 23 de Março de 2025

Pedagogical Actions


Popular Culture and Education

The multi-artist from Pernambuco, Antonio Nóbrega, the honoree of the 10th edition of MITsp, seeks to demonstrate in this meeting how the practice of Brazilian popular symbolic representations—through songs, dances, poetic forms, and rhythmic cells—can provide elements for cognitive skill development and refinement. The idea is to show how the exercise of playfulness in art does not direct thought in terms of choosing values but rather expands the tools for making those choices.


March 19, Wednesday, from 3 PM to 4:30 PM

Centro Cultural São Paulo

Free Admission


Antonio Nóbrega was born in Recife, Pernambuco, and began studying violin at the age of eight. In 1971, writer and playwright Ariano Suassuna (1927-2014) invited him to join the instrumental music group Quinteto Armorial. From then on, Nóbrega dedicated himself to studying popular culture and creating theater, dance, and music performances inspired by this universe, including Brincante (1992), Segundas Histórias (1994), Figural (1990), Madeira que Cupim Não Rói (1997), Naturalmente (2009), and Recital para Ariano (2015). He has received numerous awards, including the Shell Theater Award, APCA, and Conrado Wessel. In 1992, he founded the Instituto Brincante in São Paulo with his wife, actress and dancer Rosane Almeida.