Ministério da Cultura
e Redecard apresentam

 13 a 23 
 de Março 
 de 2025 

13 a 23 de Março de 2025


Mother Tongue


ARTIST: Vinicius Arneiro

75 min | Age Rating: 14+

© Renan Perobelli
3/22, SATURDAY, 9PM 

3/23, SUNDAY, 7PM

Itaú Cultural


The play’s narrative was created in both Portuguese and Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). In it, a mother prepares a surprise birthday party for her son, a deaf taxi driver who grew up surrounded by hearing people. The gathering brings together a small group of his friends, highlighting affection as well as cultural dilemmas and differences between them. This production—Vinicius Arneiro’s second project dedicated to exploring the paradoxes between Deaf culture and society—proposes a reflection on new approaches to accessibility practices. It addresses coexistence and communication, emphasizing the disconnect between what is felt and the inability to express it.


Vinicius Arneiro is a theater director, playwright, and actor. Among the plays he has directed are Cachorro!, Rebu, and Colônia (presented at the 6th edition of MITsp), as well as having written and directed Peça de Amar and Língua—both nominated for the Shell Award in Rio de Janeiro for Best Playwriting. He is currently dedicated to researching expanded forms of writing, associated with a staging approach that blends and articulates compositions between body, sound, and space.


“Every detail, every small dialogue, every song, and every event are harmoniously intertwined to focus on a clear and crystalline sense of meaning from the very beginning. Língua is more than a proposal. Without advocating causes or presenting statistics, it turns a trip to the theater into something rare: that post-show conversation where the discussion continues, sparked by what was just witnessed.” Cláudia Chaves, Correio da Manhã


Direction: Vinicius Arneiro

Playwriting: Pedro Emanuel and Vinicius Arneiro

Cast: Erika Rettl, Filipe Codeço, Jhonatas Narciso, Luize Mendes Dias, and Ricardo Boaretto

Production Director: Juracy De Oliveira

Portuguese/Libras Interpreter and Transcreation: Lorraine Mayer

Dramaturgical Consultant: Catharine Moreira

Gestural Consultant: Laura Samy

Assistant Director: Dominique Arantes

Set Design: Julia Deccache

Musical Direction: Felipe Storino

Lighting Design: Daniela Sanchez

Costume Design: Julia Vicente

Graphic Design: Pedro Colombo

Executive Production: Thais do Ó and Natally do Ó (Âmbar Produções)

Lighting Operator: Daniela Sanchez

Sound Operator: Fábio Storino

Stagecraft: Djavan Costa

Photography: Renato Mangolin

Partnership: Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos – INES

Concept by: Filipe Codeço and Vinicius Arneiro

Videomapping operation: Dominique Arantes

Videomapping consultant: Fagner Lourenço

Light operation: Andre Pierre