Ministério da Cultura, Redecard e Sabesp apresentam

1º a 10 de
de 2024


Told by My Mother

With Dione Carlos and Ali Chahrour

Guests from different fields of knowledge take a cross-cultural view about the festival’s shows, in dialogue with the artists and the audience. Reflections on the creation process and other themes are developed from the reading of the works in focus.


March 7, Thursday, after the show

Sesc Vila Mariana

R. Pelotas, 141 – Vila Mariana, São Paulo – SP

MITsp 2024 PP - Contado pela Minha Mãe


Dione Carlos is a playwright, screenwriter, actress and curator. She wrote dozens of plays staged in Brazil and abroad, by groups such as Cia Capulanas de Arte Negra, Cia Livre, Coletivo Legítima Defesa and Companhia de Teatro Heliópolis. She created scripts for several TV channels and currently works at Rede Globo. Screenwriter responsible for the documentary Elza Infinita, winner of best documentary award at the New York International Festival. She is artistic advisor of Escola Livre de Teatro de Santo André, in addition to teaching dramaturgy workshops throughout the country. In 2022, she was awarded with the Shell and APCA prizes in the Dramaturgy category.

Ali Chahrour is a choreographer and dancer. Born in Beirut, Lebanon, he is known for inventing his own gestures, free of Western codes and models, which function as a reflection of the culture and the political, social and religious contexts in which he grew up. Told by my mother (2021) is the second part of a trilogy dedicated to love. The first show in the series, Night, was released in 2019, and the last, The Love Behind My Eyes, hit the stage in 2022. Currently, Chahrour is preparing a new sequence of three presentations around the theme of fear.