Ministério da Cultura, Redecard e Sabesp apresentam

1º a 10 de
de 2024


Lolling and Rolling

4/3, Monday, at 8pm

45 min | Parental rating 14+

Teatro do SESI-SP

Avenida Paulista, 1313, Jardins


Ticket office:  Online booking, up to 2 tickets per person, through the SESI-SP website from February 26 Monday, at 8am.


2/3, Saturday, at 7pm

3/3, Sunday, at 4pm

55 min | Parental rating 16+

Teatro do SESI-SP

Avenida Paulista, 1313, Jardins


Ticket office:  Online booking, up to 2 tickets per person, through the SESI-SP website from February 26 Monday, at 8am.

The History of Korean Western Theatre

3/3, Sunday, at 8pm

4/3, Monday, at 4pm

60 min | Parental Rating 12+

Teatro do SESI-SP

Avenida Paulista, 1313, Jardins


Ticket office:  Online booking, up to 2 tickets per person, through the SESI-SP website from February 26 Monday, at 8am.

Ané of the Stones

5/3, Tuesday at 4pm

6/3, Wednesday, at 4pm

50 min | Parental Rating Free

Biblioteca Mário de Andrade | Castanheira

Rua da Consolação, 94, República


Ticket office:  Online booking, up to 2 tickets per person, through the Sympla  website from February 26 Monday, at 12am.


5/3, Tuesday, 5pm

6/3, Wednesday, 5pm and 7:30pm

40 min | Parental Rating 18+

Biblioteca Mário de Andrade | Sala Tula Ferreira

Rua da Consolação, 94, República


Ticket office:  Online booking, up to 2 tickets per person, through the Sympla  website from February 26 Monday, at 12am.

magMa-class with Achille Mbembe

March 4, Monday, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Salão Nobre da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (FD – USP)

Largo de São Francisco, 95, Centro. SP


Ticket office:  Online booking, up to 2 tickets per person, through the Sympla  website from February 26 Monday, at 12am.

magMa-class with Jota Mombaça

March 9, Saturday, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

CCSP – Adoniran Barbosa Room

R. Vergueiro, 1000, Liberdade


Ticket office: Online booking through the CCSP website from February 2, Monday, at 12am.

magMa-class with Eliane Brum

March 10, Sunday, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

CCSP – Adoniran Barbosa Room

R. Vergueiro, 1000, Liberdade


Ticket office: Online booking through the CCSP website from February 2, Monday, at 12am.

The Celebration, Coplas and Sudakas Poems: Collective Singing

March 9th, Saturday, from 7:30pm to 8:30pm

CCSP – Adoniran Barbosa Room

R. Vergueiro, 1000, Liberdade


Ticket office: Online booking through the CCSP website from February 2, Monday, at 12am.

Encounter 2: Indigenous Thoughts And Arts

March 10, Sunday, from 2pm to 4pm

CCSP – Adoniran Barbosa Room

R. Vergueiro, 1000, Liberdade


Ticket office: Online booking through the CCSP website from February 2, Monday, at 12am.

Wayqeycuna [My brothers]

2/3, Saturday, at 5pm

3/3, Sunday, at 2pm and 6pm

80 min | Parental rating free

Itaú Cultural

Avenida Paulista, 149, Bela Vista


Ticket office: online reservation through the Itaú Cultural website

Accessibility: All sessions have interpretation in Libras.

Broken Chord [Acorde Rompido]

29/2, Thursday, at 8pm*

1/3, Friday, at 9pm

2/3, Saturday, at 9pm

60 min | Parental rating  12+

Sesc Pinheiros | Teatro Paulo Autran 

R. Paes Leme, 195, Pinheiros


R$50 and R$25 (half-price and full credential)

*Opening night for guests only.

Ticket office: sales through the Sesc-SP website and at the units’ ticket offices.

The Friday (1) session has audio description.

Told by My Mother

7/3, Thursday, at 9pm

8/3, Friday, at 9pm

9/3, Saturday, at 9pm

75 min | Parental rating 12+

Sesc Vila Mariana | Teatro Antunes Filho

R. Pelotas, 141, Vila Mariana


R$50 and R$25 (half-price and full credential)

Ticket office: sales through the Sesc-SP website and at the units’ ticket offices.

The Friday (8th) session has audio description.

The Black Circus of the Republic of Bantu

8/3, Friday, at 9pm

9/3, Saturday, at 7pm

10/3, Sunday, at 7pm

55 min | Parental rating 14+

Theatro Municipal | Cúpula

Praça Ramos de Azevedo, s/nº, Sé

R$50 and R$25 (half-price)

Ticket office: sales through Theatro Municipal’s website and at the box office.

Prophetics (We are already born)

6/3, Wednesday, at 9pm

7/3, Thursday, at 9pm

8/3, Friday, at 7pm

75 min | Parental Rating 14+

Teatro Arthur Azevedo

Avenida Paes de Barros, 955, Mooca

R$50 and R$25 (half-price)

Ticket office: online sales through Sympla’s website and on the day of the show, at the ticket office, 1 hour in advance.

Now everything was so old – PHANTASMAGORIA IV

7/3, Thursday, 8pm

8/3, Friday, 8pm

9/3, Saturday, at 8pm

10/3, Sunday, at 6pm

120 min | Parental rating 14+

Sesc Consolação | Teatro Anchieta

Rua Dr. Vila Nova, 245, Vila Buarque

R$50, R$25 (half-price) and R$15 (full credential)

Ticket office: sales through the Sesc-SP website and at the units’ ticket offices

PERROS – Dog Talks

5/3, Tuesday, at 6pm

6/3, Wednesday, at 6pm

120 min | Parental rating free

Parque Augusta


Ticket office: tickets are not necessary; the action is carried out in public spaces.

On Tuesday (5th), the intervention starts at 6pm, with a circuit of simultaneous performances lasting 20 minutes each, allowing the public to take part in all the actions or just the ones they choose. This will be followed by the Dog Parade, which will take place inside Parque Augusta. Dogs are welcome to take part in the action with their guardians. The public can take part in all the actions or just one of them.

On Wednesday (6th), the intervention takes place from 6pm in Parque Augusta, with the performance circuit.

Black Queen

4/3, Monday, at 4pm

5/3, Tuesday, 7pm

45 min | Parental rating 10+

Centro Cultural Olido

Avenida São João, 473, Centro

R$20 and R$10 (half-price)

Ticket office: online sales through Sympla’s website and on the day of the show, at the ticket office, 1 hour in advance.

I'M NOT ONLY ME IN MYSELF – State of nature – procedure 01

5/3, Tuesday, 8.30pm

6/3, Wednesday, at 8.30pm

7/3, Thursday, at 8.30pm

60 min | Parental rating 16+

Sesc Pinheiros | Teatro Paulo Autran

Rua Paes Leme, 195, Pinheiros

R$50 and R$25 (half-price and full credential)

Ticket office: sales through the Sesc-SP website and at the units’ ticket offices.

7 Samurai

7/3, Thursday, at 5pm

8/3, Friday, 5.30pm

70 min | Parental Rating Free

Teatro Cacilda Becker

Rua Tito, 295, Lapa

R$20 and R$10 (half-price)

Ticket office: online sales through Sympla’s website and on the day of the show, at the ticket office, 1 hour in advance.

My Body Is Here

7/3, Thursday, at 6pm

8/3, Friday, at 4pm

60 min | Parental Rating 16+

Centro Cultural Olido

Avenida São João, 473, Centro

Acessibilidade física Libras Audiodescrição

R$20 and R$10 (half-price)

Ticket office: online sales through Sympla’s website and on the day of the show, at the ticket office, 1 hour in advance.

The Tuesday (7th) session has interpretation in Libras and the Friday (8th) session has interpretation in Libras and audio description.

Monster Dance

7/3, Thursday, 7pm

8/3, Friday, at 7pm

55 min | Parental Rating 16+

Centro Cultural Tendal da Lapa

Rua Guaicurus, 1100, Água Branca

R$20 and R$10 (half-price)

Ticket office: online sales through Sympla’s website and on the day of the show, at the ticket office, 1 hour in advance

Cabocla Spear

6/3, Wednesday, at 6pm

7/3, Thursday, at 5pm

60 min | Parental Rating  16+

CCSP | Espaço Ademar Guerra

Rua Vergueiro, 1000, Liberdade

R$20 and R$10 (half-price)

Ticket office: sales through CCSP’s website and at the box office.

People from There

8/3, Friday, 6pm

9/3, Saturday, at 6pm

50 min | Parental Rating 16+

CCSP | Espaço Ademar Guerra

Rua Vergueiro, 1000, Liberdade

R$20 and R$10 (half-price)

Ticket office: sales through CCSP’s website and at the box office.

What stains

6/3, Wednesday, 7.30pm

7/3, Thursday, 7pm

35 min | Parental Rating Free

CCSP | Sala Adoniran Barbosa

Rua Vergueiro, 1000, Liberdade

 R$20 and R$10 (half-price)

Ticket office: sales through CCSP’s website and at the box office.