Ministério da Cultura, Redecard, Sabesp e Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de São Paulo apresentam

Mostra Internacional de Teatro de São Paulo

1º a 10 de
de 2024

Now everything was so old – PHANTASMAGORIA IV


140 min | Parental rating 14+

Agora tudo era tão velho – FANTASMAGORIA IV

Selecionar Now everything was so old – Phantasmagoria IV Now everything was so old – Phantasmagoria IV
@Carol Sachs

7/3, at 20h

8/3, at 20h

9/3, at 20h

10/3, at 18h

Place: Sesc Consolação | Teatro Anchieta

R. Dr. Vila Nova, 245, Vila Buarque



The fresh original work of Ultraliricos premieres at MITsp. Directed by Felipe Hirsch, the work cultivates the idea that we are the offspring of a universe where every gesture has to be useful. And that the utility principle corrupts all parts of life, making us believe life itself has to be profitable. Useless (or “use-less”) things are the very purpose of life. Whoever wishes art to be of any use, those who demand utility want art to produce ideological profit. Art’s profit is the arrival of new objects in the world. Art is man’s only chance to experience a world beyond necessity. Art is an inutensile.


Founded in 2013 by playwright and theatre and film director Felipe Hirsch, Ultralíricos brings in its work reflections on urgent and current themes: education, violence, consumerism, political and ideological polarisation, the non-valuation of culture and the lack of historical awareness permeate the shows in an irreverent way. The collective has already performed plays such as tetralogy Puzzle (a; b; c; d), A Tragédia Latino-Americana e a Comédia Latino-Americana [The Latin American Tragedy and the Latin American Comedy], Selvageria [Savagery], Fim [End] and Língua Brasileira [Brazilian Language]. The group has toured countries such as Germany, Portugal and Chile, in addition to receiving awards such as Shell, Bravo! and Governador do Estado.


General Direction: Felipe Hirsch

Cast: Amanda Lyra, Danilo Grangheia, Georgette Fadel, Guilherme Weber, Magali Biff, Pascoal da Conceição and Roberta Estrela D’Alva

Musicians: Fábio Sá, Lello Bezerra, Rafa Barreto

Co-direction: Juuar

Dramaturgy: Felipe Hirsch, Judge, Ultralirics

Based on texts by: Andrea Tonacci, Caetano Galindo, Enheduana, Guilherme Gontijo Flores, John Cage, Paulo Leminski, Sei Shonagon

Translators and playwrights: Caetano Galindo and Guilherme Gontijo Flores

Art direction and set: Daniela Thomas and Felipe Tassara

Music: Kiko Dinucci and Maria Beraldo

Lighting: Beto Bruel

Costumes: Veronica Julian 

Sound design: Tocko Michelazzo

Lighting assistance and technician: Sarah Salgado

Audio technician: Murilo Gil

Direction assistance and video technician: Sarah Rogieri

Costume assistance: Alice Tassara

Set production: Mauro Amorim

Press office: Vanessa Cardoso – Factoria

Stage Direction: Nietzsche

Production Assistance: Theo Moraes

Executive production: Camila Bevilacqua

International promotion:  Ricardo Frayha 

Production management: Luís Henrique Luque Daltrozo