I'M NOT ONLY ME IN MYSELF – State of nature – procedure 01
Grupo Cena 11
Florianópolis/SC | 60 min | Parental rating 16+
EU NÃO SOU SÓ EU EM MIM – Estado de natureza – procedimento 01
5/3, Tuesday, 8.30pm
6/3, Wednesday, at 8.30pm
7/3, Thursday, at 8.30pm
Sesc Pinheiros | Teatro Paulo Autran
R. Paes Leme, 195, Pinheiros
The show brings an anarcho-choreographic contrast to the concept of “Brazilian people”, present in the work of anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro (1922-1997), aiming to make even hierarchies between language and behaviour. For the bodies of Grupo Cena 11, dancing is a field of knowledge composed of the connection between the force of gravity and muscles, bones and emotions. A dance proposed as an algorithmic ecosystem, balancing the relations between otherness, identity, behaviour and language, for the transduction [concept created by the group in which one form of energy is transformed into another equivalent] into choreography. Designed and directed by Alejandro Ahmed, the work is the first theoretical-practical application procedure of the group’s new project, which uses devices structured over artificial intelligence to build a choreographic ecosystem.
Trigger alert: contains sequences with flashes of light, loud noises and partial nudity.
Grupo Cena 11 develops and shares technical tools based on the relations between body, environment, subject and object as variables of the same living system that exists as dance. Directed by choreographer Alejandro Ahmed, the company emerged and is based in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, and it has been working for 30 years in the artistic production of dance, having become a national and international reference in the area. It was awarded four times (2014, 2012, 2007 and 1997) by the São Paulo Association of Art Critics (APCA), as well as by Rumos Itaú Cultural, Prêmio Bravo, Prêmio Sérgio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia, Transmídia Itaú Cultural and Bolsa Vitae. The main research object of the group is the body control system, which is set as the subject and object of the body itself through movement. The research history of Cena 11 received the Order of Cultural Merit from the Ministry of Culture (MinC) and the federal government in 2014.
Our body enjoys the work, deals with it, creates links with it within the realm of sensation. Their body dialogues with our body. Somehow, I left tired of the presentation, wishing for silence, for calm, my body wishing to settle down everything. I somehow danced with them. Or I was danced by them. Or I was danced in them. Or they danced over me.
Fernando Pivotto, Tudo, Menos uma Crítica
I’M NOT ONLY ME IN MYSELF short-circuits not only a dance contemporary scene, but also of other artistic languages in general. The sparks shot spread in many directions, but for them to be able to burn the conservative dominant aesthetic, it would be necessary not only for this work to be presented more and elsewhere, but also to create, maintain and continue research encouragement like this, as it tears the language inside out.
Concept, direction and choreography: Alejandro Ahmed
Creation, choreography and performance: Alejandro Ahmed, Aline Blasius, Ana Clara Pocai, Bibi Vieira, Carlos Calê, DG Fabulloso, Diego de los Campos, Gal Freire, Izhy Silveira, João Peralta, Karin Serafin, Malu Rabelo, Natascha Zacheo and Vitor Hamamoto
Video and sound creation and operation: Alejandro Ahmed, Diego de los Campos and João Peralta
Technical direction: Grupo Cena 11
Direction Assistant: Karin Serafin
Lighting assessment: Irani Apolinário
Soundtrack: Tálamo. K
Variations on Ligeti’s theme for piano: João Peralta
Costume Designer: Karin Serafin
Direction of Movement Assistant: Aline Blasius
Production management: Karin Serafin
Production Assistance: Malu Rabelo
Creation and programming of props, instruments and mechanisms for scenes: Diego de los Campos
Theoretical-practical committee: Ana Maria Rabelo Gomes, Fabiana Dultra Britto, José Fernando Peixoto de Azevedo and Leonarda Glück
Photos: image created by AI from a photo by João Peralta
Translation: Marcos Morgado
National promotion: Gabi Gonçalves (Corpo Rastreado)
Project development support: EPEC – Capacitação e serviços para empreendedores criativos
Main office and technical preparation: Jurerê Sports Center (Jusc)
Acknowledgements: Adilso Machado, Andrea Druck, Beto Propheta, Bia Mattar, Eduardo Serafin, Ledícias de la Madre, Marcos Morgado, Nelci Vieira, Norma Adó, Paloma Bianchi and Paulo Pierin Luz