Ministério da Cultura, Redecard e Sabesp apresentam

Mostra Internacional de Teatro de São Paulo

1º a 10 de
de 2024

Black Queen

Cia. Dita

Fortaleza/CE, 2023| 45 min | Parental rating 10+

Preta Rainha

Black Queen
@Luciano Gomes

4/3, Monday, at 4pm

5/3, Tuesday, 7pm


Centro Cultural Olido

Avenida São João, 473, Centro


The show is about the 50-year trajectory of Wilemara Barros, one of the most important Brazilian dancers of her generation. The artist revisits her affective memories, absorbing the cultural and ancestral legacy from her family: dance, singing, percussion and belief take the stage. Directed by Fauller, choreographer and founder of Cia. Dita, the solo also continues the artist’s dialogues and thoughts about the black body and its possibilities in dance. Diving into the past to walk in the present, Wilemara crosses time and space making her body a political and poetic place.


Founded in 2003 in Fortaleza (CE), Cia. Dita is dedicated to research and artistic production. The group merge artists with different backgrounds who develop their projects and research based on the possibilities of dialogue between different languages, such as dance, audiovisual, photography, fashion, theatre, literature, performance and architecture. The group’s works have circulated through some of the main performing arts platforms in Brazil and abroad, such as the Ceará International Dance Biennial, Junta Teresina Festival, Itacaré Dance Festival, Joinville Dance Festival, FID, Panorama Festival, MITbr, Brasil Move Berlin, Rafaela Theatre Festival, Uruguayan Scenic Circulation Network and Palco Giratório Festival – Circulação Sesc Nacional.


It is not a question of calling the artist a diva. To demonstrate a body in a technical way is not necessarily to exhibit the gifted attributes of an unquestionable artist.  The technical demonstration of a body trained for years within a closed technique such as the classical one does not necessarily mean to exhibit oneself in a closed idea of technical demonstrations, which has as its main characteristic to show something to those who want to see how that certain thing is done, or even to exhibit oneself virtuously. 

Horácio Félix, in the book Wilemara Barros – 50 anos


Wilemara Barros is a work of art. Those produced on a daily basis. Being an artist for her is not limited to being onstage. It becomes life. A journey mixing technical training and a fearless plunge into creative processes that put at risk established certainties to make you affirm that discipline is necessary.

Thais Gonçalves, Federal University of Ceará (UFC)


Performance: Wilemara Barros

Dramaturgy guidance, costumes and direction: Fauller

Lighting: Fabio Oliveira

Guest musician: Jhon Morais

Videos and projection onstage: Gustavo Portela

Publicity photos: Luciano Gomes

Executive Production: Camila Guerra and Thyago Ribeiro – Casa das POC Produções Criativas

Presented by: Cia. Securitizadora de Créditos Financeiros Rubi Dita