Thought-in-Process + Cross-Cultural Dialogues
With: Mohamed El Khatib e Christian Dunker
Mediation: Maria Lúcia Pupo
Guests from different fields of knowledge take a cross-cultural view about the festival’s shows, in dialogue with the artists and with the audience. Reflections on the creation process are developed from the reading of the works in focus.

Mohamed El Khatib is an actor, director and writer born in Orleans, France, in 1980. He is an associated artist at Théâtre de la Ville de Paris, at Centre Dramatique National de Tours – Théâtre Olympia and at Théâtre National de Bretagne – Centre Européen Théâtral et Chorégraphique. In 2008, he was one of the founders of Zirlib collective, the result of a gathering of authors, actors, researchers, dancers, cameramen and musicians from different backgrounds. The group sees contemporary creation as an experience, a gesture in which the most demanding aesthetic dimension can be confronted day-to-day. This is the second time of El Khatib at MITsp. In 2019, he presented the show Leaving with Beauty.
Christian Dunker is a psychoanalyst and Full Professor at the Institute of Psychology at USP, with the Department of Clinical Psychology. He obtained the Associate Professor title in Clinical Psychology after his Post-Doctorate at Manchester Metropolitan University. He is a Member Analyst of the Psychoanalysis School of the Lacanian Field Forum and coordinator of the Laboratory of Social Theory, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis at USP. Twice awarded the Jabuti Prize for Structure and Constitution of the Psychoanalytic Clinic (Annablume, 2010) and Malaise, Suffering and Symptom (Boitempo, 2015) and co-author of The Clown and the Psychoanalyst – How listening to others can transform lives (Planeta, 2019).
Maria Lúcia Pupo is Full Professor at the Department of Performing Arts of the School of Communications and Arts (USP) and productivity fellow CNPq. She works especially in undergraduate training and guides master’s and doctoral research in Performing Arts Pedagogy, publishing books and articles in this area. Developed research and taught in several Brazilian cities, as well as in France and Morocco.