

With: Danilo Patzdorf and Isabela Laynes

Massageaço is a gathering to learn and exchange massage. The goal is to share techniques and knowledge necessary to apply a structured touch in informal situations. Crossing art and health, it examines the somatic-political causes that transformed the experience of touch into taboo or trauma for our Westernized bodies. Then, different massage therapy moves and their possible therapeutic effects are experienced in the physiological, affective, ethical and aesthetic dimension.


When and Where

June 4th and 5th, Saturday and Sunday, from 10 am to 1 pm13h

Casa do Povo


Danilo Patzdorf is an artist, educator and body researcher. Author of the book “About what they once called the body: corporeality in digital environments” (Letramento, 2019), is a PhD in Art-education (ECA/USP). Due to the belief that the coolest part of artistic doing is not “showing”, but rather “feeling with”, I’ve devoted myself to creating and conducting somatic group experiences to collectively access the extraordinary states of perception of oneself, the other and reality.

Isabela Laynes is a physiotherapist, pain specialist (HCFM/USP), neuroeduACHEtor and MA in Health Sciences from Unifesp. She teaches Anatomy and Western Manual Techniques in the Massage Therapy courses at Senac Aclimação. She’s been working with therapeutic massage for more than 10 years, trying to promote somatosensory integration from the structured touch, besides believing in the subtle touch as a body tool of social transformation.