Critical Practice
Critical Perspectives
The critics who are part of Critical Practice will debate the set of shows presented at MITsp, their effects and the issues on contemporary theatrical scene raised by these works.

When and Where
June 12, Sunday, from 2pm to 4pm
Michele Rolim is a journalist, researcher and theatrical critic. PhD student at the Graduate Program in Performing Arts at UFRGS. She has been working in the cultural press since 2009. Editor of AGORA Crítica Teatral website and author of the book What do performing arts curators think (2017, Cobogó). She is currently the State Culture Advisor of RS. She has participated in several theatre juries. She has been working in performing arts festivals in Brazil.
Daniel Guerra is a critic and artist. Creator, editor and columnist of Revista Barril. He has an MA in Performing Arts and is a PhD student at the Federal University of Bahia (PPGAC-UFBA). He continues to develop theoretically the concept of Scenic Event.
Ierê Papá is an artist, has a degree in Performing Arts from IFCE in Fortaleza/CE, holds a MA degree in Communication and Semiotics and is specialised in Klauss Vianna Technique, both from PUC/SP. Since 2014, he has been part of the Collective Teatro Dodecafônico (SP), where he is a performer and audio video maker.
Lorenna Rocha is a historian (UFPE), researcher and cultural critic. Co-founder of Indeterminações – a platform for criticism and black Brazilian cinema. She is editor and critic of Quarta Parede website. She was copywriter at Revista Cinética (2021) and blog Sessão Aberta (2019-2021). Teaches classes on cinema and theatre criticism and about black theatre and cinema. She is a programmer at the 14th Janela Internacional de Cinema do Recife and the 24th FestCurtas BH.
Guilherme Diniz is a researcher and theatrical critic. Graduated in Theatre from the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (EBA/UFMG) and MA student in Brazilian Literature from the Faculty of Language, Literature and Linguistics (FALE/UFMG). Collaborator of Horizonte da Cena website. He has done critical coverage for different shows and theatre festivals in Brazil, such as Janela de Dramaturgia (BH), Segunda Black (RJ) and São Paulo International Theatre Festival (SP).