Before time existed
With: Andreia Duarte, Denilson e Lilly Baniwa
Mediation: Maria Lúcia Pupo
Panels with artists from MITsp spectacles, who will debate issues of their creative processes.

Denilson Baniwa was born in Mariuá, Rio Negro, Amazonas. He is a visual artist and communicator who builds his artistic and social processes from the Amazonian Indigenous Movement and transit through the non-indigenous world.
Lilly Baniwa is an indigenous actress and academic of Performing Arts at the State University of Campinas/UNICAMP. Among her last projects stands out the video performance manifesto Lithipokoroda and the Workshop IPerformatividades Identitárias, both contemplated by Aldir Blanc Law / Amazonas and developed in the city of São Gabriel da Cachoeira.
Andreia Duarte is an actress, curator and artistic director. She spent five years in Xingu Indigenous Area with the Kamayura people, since then she has worked as an ally of the indigenous peoples, completing 20 years of achievements. In her PhD at USP/ECA, she’s researching the intersection between theatre and indigenous peoples. Artistic director of Outra Margem, working on different curatorship and productions, such as TePI – Theatre and the indigenous peoples in the format of artistic exhibition and digital platform, among other actions.
Maria Lúcia Pupo is Full Professor at the Department of Performing Arts of the School of Communications and Arts (USP) and productivity fellow CNPq. She works especially in undergraduate training and guides master’s and doctoral research in Performing Arts Pedagogy, publishing books and articles in this area. Developed research and taught in several Brazilian cities, as well as in France and Morocco.