Before Time Existed
ARTIST: Andreia Duarte, Denilson Baniwa, Kenia Dias, Lilly Baniwa e Ricardo Alves Jr.
Brazil, 2022 | 80 min. | Parental Rating: FREE

A collective creation of indigenous and non-indigenous artists, the show seeks the original peoples’ distant memory and a dialogue among the many existences on the planet. The work is an unfolding of the concepts presented in O Silêncio do Mundo (2020), a lecture-performance with Ailton Krenak, and highlights neither the chronological time nor the productivity logic of western society. But rather, an extended time which expands the possibilities of communication between diverse beings, human and non-human. Here, there’s room for transformations and connections between animals, plants, spirits of the forest, rain, wind. Onstage, performers alternate in testimonials, ruminating their own biographies and performing passages, thus blurring the limits of reality and fiction.
Outra Margem is a producer with multidisciplinary actions that intertwine theatre, artistic festivals, exhibitions, video projections and book publishing. What stands out is the idea and production of TePI – Theatre and Indigenous Peoples, an artistic action in partnership with original peoples boosting productions envisioning the world reinvention in its creative power. Some spectacles such as O Silêncio do Mundo (2020), with Ailton Krenak, and Antes do Tempo Existir (2022), were conceived alongside indigenous artists through creative immersions in 2021 and 2022. Outra Margem has also produced the book Teatro e os Povos Indígenas, in co-curatorship with Naine Terena and publisher n-1.
“How to explain such a creative and deeply exciting show as O Silêncio do Mundo, according to the concept of Andreia Duarte and Ailton Krenak? The handcraft hammock stretched over the performers’ heads, Ailton’s simplicity and Andreia’s dedication thrilled everyone who was there. Indeed, that night, it was as if we were all gathered around the original fire, listening to the ancestral noise which the silence of the present seeks to destroy.”