Aesthetic-Political Reflections
About Exhaustion - A Reading of Subjectivity
With: Denise Ferreira da Silva
Mediation: Rosane Borges (SP)
Open and online class reflecting on how time, the privileged modern ethical context, operates as an instance of power not dissimilar to other appropriation mechanisms aiming at assimilating economic value.

When and Where
June 8, Wednesday, from 2 pm to 4 pm
Denise Ferreira da Silva is the author of Towards a Global Idea of Race (2007), The Priceless Debt (2019), Unpayable Debt (2022) Her many articles have been published in major interdisciplinary journals, such as Social Text, TC&S, PhiloSOPHIA, Griffith Law Review, Theory & Event. Her works include the films Serpent Rain (2016) and 4Waters-Deep Implicancy (2018), in collaboration with Arjuna Neuman; and the relational art practices Poethical Readings and Sensing Salon, in collaboration with Valentina Desideri.
Rosane Borges Journalist, collaborating professor at DIversitas (FFLCH-USP), researcher at ECA-USP, writer of Istoé Magazine. Author of several books, among which are Infidel mirror: the black in Brazilian journalism (2004), Media and racism (2012), Sketches of a present time (2016) and Fragments of the present time (2021).