Thought-in-Process + Cross-Cultural Dialogues
A Garden to Educate Beasts
With: Eduardo Okamoto e Cassiano Sydow Quilici
Mediation: José Fernando Peixoto de Azevedo
Guests from different fields of knowledge take a cross-cultural view about the festival’s shows, in dialogue with the artists and with the audience. Reflections on the creation process are developed from the reading of the works in focus.

Cassiano Sydow Quilici is an Associate Professor at the Department of Performing Arts at the Institute of Arts of Unicamp, anthropologist and post-doctor in Theatrical Studies at the University of Lisbon, researcher at Cnpq, editor of Conceição/Conception Magazine, author of the books Antonin Artaud: theatre and ritual, The actor-performer and the poetics of self-transformation, among others and award-winning playwright. He researches artist training processes from the expanded scene perspective, in dialogue with anthropology, philosophy and traditional knowledge, especially Buddhism.
Eduardo Okamoto is an actor, graduated in performing arts, MA and PhD in arts from Unicamp, where he teaches. Twice nominated for the Shell Award (2009/2012), he received the APCA Awards (2012) and Best Male Performance at the Agadir International Festival of Body Expression, Theatre and Dance (2008), in Morocco.
José Fernando Peixoto de Azevedo is a playwright, screenwriter and director; researcher, curator. He studied film and philosophy; He has a PhD in philosophy with a thesis on the work of Brecht (USP). He is a professor at the School of Dramatic Art and in the Graduate Program in Performing Arts, at the School of Communications and Arts at USP. He was the founder and artistic director of Teatro de Narradores; He wrote and directed works with the group Os Crespos. He recently directed the pieces Navalha na Carne Negra [Razor in Black Flesh], As mãos sujas [The Dirty Hands] and Um inimigo do povo [An Enemy of the People]. He has Organised some books and is the author of several published essays; author of I, a Creole, by n-1 publisher. Currently he coordinates the Crossroads book collection, on anti-racist/anti-capitalist thought, by Cobogó publisher.