Original Title: tReta
Original Bomber Crew
TERESINA / PI, 2018 | 50min | PARENTAL RATING 16+

©Maurício Pokemon
13/3, at 20h
14/3, at 20h
PLACE: Tendal da Lapa
The many “bullshit” faced daily by peripheral youth, refugees and minorities in general were the basis of the Original Bomber Crew’s work. Politics, patriarchy, colonialism “bullshit” and the breaking battle issues that generate clashes for survival. The artists who created the show perform close to the audience guided by a metallic, dense and urban sound. Brazil’s violence and the reality of bodies held disposable around the world are expressed in movements with breaking and hip-hop elements. The play is a conflict, an explosion, a wilful act to involve the other.
Original Bomber Crew is an organization of practices, research and production on hip-hop culture. Operating since 2005, it is a Piauí reference in street dance training. Taking part in festivals, battles and national and international meetings, it currently occupies Casa do Hip Hop, in Teresina, along with other local artists. The group develops shows, performances, battles, urban interventions, festivals and dance workshops in Piauí and neighbouring states.
What Original Bomber Crew achieves is the foundation that will remain in the core of each moment, scene, performance: the unknown expectation, which, in the urban ambience, becomes tangible fear that strikes us at every corner, a burnt-out lamp, a stranger that don’t ignore us. Thus, tReta – and the name says a lot – reaffirms the civilizing destroyed on the choices by this multiple layered aggressive sociability. As there are only men, the performers bring to the show the typical masculine violence, which is affirmative by the body and gesture, by the dominant’s aggressive existence.
CONCEPT: Allexandre Santos and Cesar Costa
DIRECTION: Allexandre Santos
DEVISED AND PERFORMED BY: Allexandre Santos, Cesar Costa, Javé Montuchô, Malcom Jefferson, Maurício Pokemon and Phillip Marinho
MUSIC CONCEPT: César Costa and Javé Montuchô
PHOTOGRAPHY: Maurício Pokemon
PRODUCTION DIRECTION: Regina Veloso / CAMPO Arte Contemporânea
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Artur, Cleydinha, Neném, Fedó, Jell, Pangu, Pangulim, WG, Gui Fontineles and Marcelo Evelin