Aesthetic-Political Reflections

The edges between organic knowledge and synthetic knowledge

With Nego Bispo (PI)

Mediation : Rosane Borges (SP)

Organic knowledge is the one engaging to make up the world of Being. Synthetic knowledge is the one developing to make up the world of Having.

Nego Bispo e Rosane Borges

When and Where

June 7, Tuesday, from 7pm to 9pm

Biblioteca Mário de Andrade


Antônio Bispo dos Santos is a writer, quilombola master, farmer, taught by crafts masters. He wrote articles, poems, and the books Quilombos, modes and meanings (2007) and Colonization, Quilombos: modes and meanings (2015). A political activist and militant of great expression in the quilombola social movement and in fight for land movements, he is a member of both National and Piauí State Coordination of Quilombola Communities.

Rosane Borges Journalist, collaborating professor at DIversitas (FFLCH-USP), researcher at ECA-USP, writer of Istoé Magazine. Author of several books, among which are Infidel mirror: the black in Brazilian journalism (2004), Media and racism (2012), Sketches of a present time (2016) and Fragments of the present time (2021).