Rough Lock

ARTIST: Leonarda Glück

Brazil, 2021 |  70 min. | Parental Rating: 18+

Trava Bruta

8/6, às 21h 

9/6, às 17h

LOCAL: Teatro João Caetano


From her transsexual experience, Leonarda Glück presents a stage manifesto proposing a bridge and also a contrast between the artistic context and the current Brazilian political and social scenario in the sexuality field. Alone onstage, the actress and playwright discusses the relation between culture and transsexuality, debates what it’s like to be a trans artist in today’s country and how society reacts to a body provoking disgust and desire at the same time. Therefore, the show seeks strains between fiction and reality, sewing many layers of artificiality, such as video projections, sound effects, social media filters (which modify the actress’s appearance) and costume tricks, which sometimes reveal, sometimes conceal. Those features are being destroyed and deconstructed throughout the narrative, in a constant inquiry about which fictions are allowed, what diversities are accepted.


Leonarda Glück is an actress, playwright and theatre director graduated from the School of Arts of Unespar, Paraná. She is co-founder of Companhia Silenciosa and Coletivo Selvática Ações Artísticas and has more than 20 texts staged by different Brazilian and international groups, companies and artists. In 2016 she published the book A Perfodrama de Leonarda Glück – Literaturas Dramáticas de Uma Mulher (Trans) de Teatro, a collection of six theatre texts. In 2018, her adaptation of Anton Chekhov As Três irmãs – Um Melodrama Rocambolesco em Quatro Capítulos was presented in Madrid, Spain, at DT Espacio Escénico. Her more recent works in theatre are A Mesa (2019), concept carried out at the invitation of Sesc Ipiranga for Projeto Dramaturgias 2, Infâmia (2021), which resulted in a digital stage experiment by Grupo XIX de Teatro, due to Covid-19 pandemic, and Rough Lock (2021), text awarded by the 6ª Mostra de Dramaturgia em Pequenos Espaços Cênicos from CCSP.


Rough Lock: always willing to confront. Torn apart fortress by always being ready for its own faith. Fatalities and shames are eagerly desired and consumed, at all times stealing our care, breaths and contemplation. Against this destiny of misery, rudeness and virility, we forge ourselves in delicate brutalities. Simple and unique.” 

JUHLIA SANTOS, journalist, actress, performer and gender researcher