
Of what affects you

With: Efe Godoy

This is an experience to get to know people through drawing, the plan here is freedom, rescuing a childhood drawing, not fearing of making mistakes, with no intention of creating the finest drawing in the universe.  Let’s play with authenticity, with real doing, and then express that will with the body. Everyone has something that resonates, has something to say through the movements that make them exist. A moment to dance and draw. 

Efe Godoy

When and Where

June 10, Friday, from 10 am to 12 pm

Casa do Povo


Efe Godoy is a short-sighted, transvestigender visual artist who researches hybridity in its various languages (video, object, drawing, painting, performance) with an emphasis on childhood memories pieces and impulsive fabulations. Efe Godoy is from Sete Lagoas, lives and works in Belo Horizonte. Strolled the Guignard/UEMG School and kept training in experiences and residencies in Brazil and abroad. Was nominated for the 2022 PIPA contemporary art award.