Pedagogies of Teatra Encounter

Pocket Show

With: Ayô Tupinambá

Dores Doces e Amargores is a music and literature work of art portraying the experience of fat black transvestite artist Ayô Tupinambá. With this pocket show, the artist shares the scrutiny of her own history, her body, her emotions, affectivity and sexuality after her transition. Attain the future, be in the present, look at the past and to always sense oneself there, as a transvestite. 

Ayô Tupinambá

When and Where

June 9th, Thursday at 5pm

Centro Cultural Vila Itororó


Ayô Tupinambá is a transvestite, black, fat, bisexual and from the outskirts, her plurality is also present in singing, theatre and literature arts, she’s also the director and screenwriter of the show Travestis na MPB and released her first single Canto para Sobreviver on all digital platforms.