ARTIST: Tieta Macau
Brazil, 2017 | 45 min. | Parental Rating: FREE

Ances is an investigation work started seven years ago setting a course between presence and absence, activating not coded memories in sayable or linear instances. The choreography unfolds from Cronos Greco-Roman linearity, set by hours, to a time and space directed to Iroko, an orixá which candomblé worships in Brazil, governed by the intrinsic time of action. It cut across the time of memories’ evocation and articulation, which occur between movement, sound and word, traces comprising the present of creation. Thus, Tieta Macau presents the show as a way of thinking/inventing relations between ancestry, body, memory and contemporaneity, placing dance as a possibility of re-articulating narratives, turning what was homogeneous heterogeneous, causing stagnation, interruptions, veering from patterns, inventing, proposing new ends and beginnings.
Tieta Macau is the child of a serpent, creator of scenic macumbarias and other spirals. Was accepted in the 2020/2021 edition of Laboratórios de Criação do Porto Iracema das Artes (CE) with the Lança de Cabocla project. With Assombros e Trincheiras project, was approved in the creation category of Panorama Raft, in co-production with Panorama Festival (RJ). The artist was invited to collaborate with Plataforma EhCHo 2021 edition, a space for international promotion and dissemination created by Denise Ferreira da Silva and other artists and researchers. Award-winning best actress in short film at the 49th Gramado Film Festival and as best supporting actress in feature film at the 43rd Guarnicê de Cinema, she is currently part of the research and creation scholarship program of PACT ZOLVERREIN (GER). Between 2021 and 2022, she took part in Manifesta 22 and Festival Refestália in the program of the modern art centenary at Sesc-SP. Has a degree in Theatre from UFMA(MA) and she is an undergraduate in Dance and a master’s degree student in Social History at UFC (CE).
“No pensamento fanoniano, descolonizar é o processo ou a capacidade do sujeito colonizado de dizer não, uma negação que o torna um sujeito político. Dessa forma, o corpo colonizado deixa de ser objeto e passa a ser sujeito, dono de sua história. A simplicidade; áspero, indelicado, natural; sem educação. Este é o processo de descolonização, voltando à origem, sendo natural. Aquela simplicidade que não se domestica, ou não se deixa dominar. Um dos pensamentos eurocêntricos era a dominação pela domesticação do corpo, mente e espírito. Portanto, o descolonizado é aquele que diz não. Tieta, indelicada, insulta o dono de sua história, que não embranquece.