Mariana Hotel

Directed by: Munir Pedrosa and Herbert Bianchi
When: March 7th and 8th at 8pm
Where: Complexo Cultural Funarte
Length: 70 minutes
Age Rating: 14+


It was almost 3:30 pm, on November 5, 2015, a hot day as usual in the Doce River Valley, when, in Mariana (MG), the Fundão’s tailings dam failed, and about 55 billion liters of thick mud sluiced down onto the districts of Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu de Baixo. Hotel Mariana brings to stage disturbing and breathtaking testimonies that highlight the humbleness of those who lost everything, or almost everything, during the biggest environmental disaster in Brazil.


Hotel Mariana was created based on the reports, collected a week after the disaster, of Mariana’s tragedy survivors. Directed by Herbert Bianchi, also responsible for the dramaturgy, in collaboration with Munir Pedrosa, who masterminded the project, Hotel Mariana explores the verbatim technique — the performers on the stage use headphones and instantaneously reproduce the real reports they are listening to. Supported by PROAC, the play premiered in May 2017 at Os Satyros (SP) and, in January 2018, it ran at Sesc Vila Mariana (SP). The show was nominated to the Shell Award (2017) for best dramaturgy.


Original idea and research: Munir Pedrosa Direction: Herbert Bianchi
Cast: Angela Barros, Bruno Feldman, Clarissa Drebtchinsky, Fani Feldman, Isabel Setti, Letícia Rocha, Marcelo Zorzeto, Munir Pedrosa, Rita Batata, Rodrigo Caetano
Dramaturgy: Munir Pedrosa and Herbert Bianchi
Assistant Director: Letícia Rocha
Lighting Designer: Rodrigo Caetano
Set Design: Marcelo Maffei and Herbert Bianchi
Scenic Designer: Marcelo Maffei
Costumes: Bia Piaretti and Carol Reissman
Direction of Production: Munir Pedrosa
Produced by MUN Cultural

When life overlaps fiction, nothing can be more coherent than bringing realist pungency to the foreground, in what is also called the” Real Theater “…
João Luiz Vieira – Journalist and playwright – Bravo Magazine! – 07/19/2017